168 results found
Medical tests
… the brain, especially during the first 3 years of life. A baby whose thyroid gland does not make enough thyroid … in severe cases, have below-average intelligence. Older children also need thyroid hormones to grow and develop … called a toxic nodule. Damage to the pituitary gland that prevents it from making TSH (a condition called secondary …
Medical tests
… sickle cell trait is important for couples who want to have children and who may be carriers of sickle cell trait. How … stick A heel stick is used to get a blood sample from a baby. The baby's heel is poked, and several drops of blood are …
Medical tests
… woman becomes infected and passes it on to her growing baby (fetus), it can cause blindness and brain damage in the … antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii . To see if your growing baby is infected, the test can be done on a sample of the fluid that is around your baby ( amniotic fluid ) taken during amniocentesis . Why It …
Medical tests
… waiting 4 weeks before you give your breast milk to your baby. This is because the tracer can pass to your baby. Some doctors may advise you to stop breastfeeding … after this scan. If you plan to no longer feed your baby your breast milk after the test, stop breastfeeding 2 …
Medical tests
… for abnormal curves of the spine, such as scoliosis, in children or young adults. Check the spine for problems … first X-ray pictures before taking others. This is done to prevent causing more injury. If you have a neck brace … a lead apron will be put over your belly to protect the baby from exposure to radiation from the X-rays. The chance …
Medical tests
… virus. Find a viral infection in a potential blood donor to prevent the donation of infected blood. Find a viral … a high risk of passing a serious viral infection on to her baby. Check if a person has immunity to a specific virus. … virus. Find a viral infection in a potential blood donor to prevent the donation of infected blood. Find a viral …
Medical tests
… screening test is positive, it means there is a chance your baby has a birth defect. In that case, your doctor may … is an extra or missing chromosome (a positive result), your baby may have a chromosomal birth defect. A negative result means that your baby is unlikely to have one of the birth defects this test …
Medical tests
… factor or platelets) into a vein ( IV ) in your arm to prevent bleeding after the biopsy. Adults usually have a … removed from the front of the pelvic bone. Babies and young children may have the sample taken from the front of the … or platelets) in a vein in your arm before the biopsy to prevent bleeding after the biopsy. Infection of skin or the …
Medical tests
… sperm. The testicles develop in the belly of an unborn male baby. In most cases they move down into the scrotum before … routine physical examination for every teenage boy and man. Baby boys should also have their genitals checked for … testicle . If you cannot feel both testicles in your baby's scrotum, talk to his doctor. A soft bunch of thin …
Medical tests
… pregnant. That's because the X-rays could harm an unborn baby. Understand exactly what procedure is planned, along … and how soon to do it. If you take a medicine that prevents blood clots, your doctor may tell you to stop … and how soon to do it. If you take a medicine that prevents blood clots, your doctor may tell you to stop …