295 results found
Medical tests
… Help you check for vaginal sores, abnormal discharge, or other problems, such as genital warts . How To Prepare To do … self-examination Normal: The vulva does not have sores or other growths, such as genital warts . The vaginal walls are … sexual activity) or infection (such as genital herpes or another sexually transmitted infection ) is present. Vaginal …
Medical tests
… as a first-time screening test for rheumatoid arthritis. Another agglutination test mixes the blood being tested with a … also look at your results based on your age, health, and other factors. A value that isn't in the normal range may … High RF levels may be caused by: Rheumatoid arthritis . Other autoimmune diseases, such as systemic lupus …
Medical tests
… rate and movements. You may be asked to drink water or other liquids just before testing. You will be able to empty … rate with reflected sound waves (Doppler ultrasound). The other sensor measures how long your contractions are, if you … abdomen. Risks There is very little chance of either the mother or the baby having a problem from a biophysical …
Medical tests
… in baking soda as sodium bicarbonate. Many medicines and other products also have sodium in them, including … also look at your results based on your age, health, and other factors. A value that isn't in the normal range may … in baking soda as sodium bicarbonate. Many medicines and other products also have sodium in them, including …
Medical tests
… tests the movement of the eardrum when an ear infection or other middle ear problem is suspected. A doctor places the … tests the movement of the eardrum when an ear infection or other middle ear problem is suspected. A doctor places the …
Medical tests
… examination. The test is used to help find diseases and other problems that affect the large intestine. The colon is … as pain, blood in stool, or altered bowel habits. Check on other problems such as anemia or unexplained weight loss. … go back to your regular diet unless your doctor gives you other instructions. Be sure to drink plenty of liquids. They …
Medical tests
… in the large intestine cannot be found using colonoscopy or other methods. If the bleeding is too slow or intermittent … in the large intestine cannot be found using colonoscopy or other methods. If the bleeding is too slow or intermittent …
Medical tests
… shoulder, elbow, wrist, or jaw (temporomandibular joint). Other tests, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and … or take blood-thinning medicines. Have arthritis that is bothering you at the time of your test. Have a known … sac containing joint fluid, is normal. The cartilage and other structures of the joint are normal. Abnormal: The …
Medical tests
… birth defects such as Down syndrome. The test is done with other screening tests. Find and check on the treatment of a … also look at your results based on your age, health, and other factors. A value that isn't in the normal range may … birth defects such as Down syndrome. The test is done with other screening tests. Find and check on the treatment of a …
Medical tests
… blood or urine. The test is used to see if you smoke or use other forms of tobacco. All forms of tobacco have nicotine. … test result may be positive. But you may be able to get another test that can show that you are using quit-smoking … blood or urine. The test is used to see if you smoke or use other forms of tobacco. All forms of tobacco have nicotine. …