295 results found
Medical tests
… cells. The number of CD4+ cells helps determine whether other infections ( opportunistic infections ) may occur. In … HIV infection can progress to AIDS. Evaluate your risk for other infections ( opportunistic infections ). Decide when … cells. The number of CD4+ cells helps determine whether other infections ( opportunistic infections ) may occur. In …
Medical tests
… pictures of the knee . Muscles, ligaments , cartilage , and other joint structures are often best seen with an MRI. In … field. MRI can find changes in the structure of organs or other tissues. It also can find tissue damage or disease, … needed. MRI may also find a bone fracture when X-rays and other tests do not give a clear answer. MRI is done more …
Medical tests
… or degrees Fahrenheit (°F). The standard in Canada and most other countries is degrees Celsius. In the United States, … Spread the child's buttocks with one hand. With the other hand, gently insert the bulb end of the thermometer … for a sound. Most of these thermometers make a beep or other sound when they are ready to read. Remove the …
Medical tests
… including the small amounts used in CTs, X-rays, and other medical tests. Over time, exposure to radiation may cause cancer and other health problems. But in most cases, the risk of … enlarged. An area of the brain shows swelling ( edema ) or other changes that may mean a stroke . The sinuses are …
Medical tests
… An abdominal ultrasound takes pictures of the organs and other structures in your upper belly. It uses sound waves to … or a fluid-filled cyst . Guide the placement of a needle or other tool during a biopsy . Look for fluid buildup in the … These things may be due to inflammation, infection, or other diseases. The aorta is enlarged or an aneurysm is …
Medical tests
… made in the pituitary gland in response to the release of another hormone, called corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), … also look at your results based on your age, health, and other factors. A value that isn't in the normal range may … made in the pituitary gland in response to the release of another hormone, called corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), …
Medical tests
… also look at your results based on your age, health, and other factors. A value that isn't in the normal range may … polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), or damage from chemotherapy. Early puberty. Testicles are absent or have been … of surgery or damage from mumps, X-ray exposure, chemotherapy, cancer, or injury. Klinefelter syndrome . Low …
Medical tests
… Why It Is Done A sonohysterography test may be done if other tests don't show enough detail. A clearer view of the … Why It Is Done A sonohysterography test may be done if other tests don't show enough detail. A clearer view of the …
Medical tests
… who have had a kidney stone have a chance of having another one, so prevention measures are important. A kidney … or it may cause severe pain. A kidney stone may cause other symptoms, such as blood in the urine (hematuria), pain … medical treatment. A large stone may need surgery or another type of procedure to get it out. Risks There is no …
Medical tests
… in your red blood cells. As a result, your brain and other tissues get less oxygen. This can cause serious … also look at your results based on your age, health, and other factors. A value that isn't in the normal range may … in your red blood cells. As a result, your brain and other tissues get less oxygen. This can cause serious …