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236 results found
Medical tests
… takes 30 minutes to 1 hour. How It Feels You will feel a quick sting from a small needle that has medicine to numb … spinal needle is put into your spinal canal. You may feel a quick, sharp pain down your buttock or leg when the needle … There is a risk of damage to cells or tissue from being exposed to radiation, including the small amounts used in …
Medical tests
… part of blood. This test shows how well your diabetes has been managed in the last 2 to 3 months and whether your … This test may not be accurate for everyone because many things can affect the lifespan of red blood cells, such as … may feel nothing at all from the needle, or you may feel a quick sting or pinch. Risks There is very little chance of …
Medical tests
… There is a risk of damage to cells or tissue from being exposed to radiation, including the small amounts used in … But in most cases, the risk of getting cancer from being exposed to small amounts of radiation is low. It's not a … There is a risk of damage to cells or tissue from being exposed to radiation, including the small amounts used in …
Medical tests
… flow (PEF) to measure the amount of air you can inhale and quickly exhale. This is tracked to see how well asthma is … decisions. Monitor your lung function if you are regularly exposed to substances at work that can damage your lungs … redo the test. How It Feels Breathing in and out very quickly during these tests may make you feel light-headed or …
Medical tests
… recommended Pap test schedule is based on your age and on things that increase your risk. Talk to your doctor about … cells in the sample. An abnormal result can mean many things. Most of these are not cancer. The results of your … recommended Pap test schedule is based on your age and on things that increase your risk. Talk to your doctor about …
Medical tests
… normal, you can increase it and your strength. You can do things like exercising, lifting weights or using weight … waves to measure bone density, usually in your heel. It is quick and painless. And it does not use potentially harmful … during the scan. Risks During a bone density scan, you are exposed to a very low dose of radiation. A bone density scan …
Medical tests
… to lie still with your head tipped backward. You may feel a quick sting or pinch in your neck. If you have an open … to lie still with your head tipped backward. You may feel a quick sting or pinch in your neck. If you have an open …
Medical tests
… to your brain. This allows blood alcohol levels to increase quickly. The amount of alcohol in your blood reaches its … and a tube) containing crystals that change colour when exposed to alcohol from your breath. This device is less … The safest decision is always not to drive if you have been drinking. BAC is commonly used by police and other …
Medical tests
… placed over the muscles controlled by that nerve. Several quick electrical pulses are given to the nerve. The time it … tests. How It Feels During an EMG test, you may feel a quick, sharp pain when the needle electrode is put into a … results from these studies are looked at along with other things. These include your medical history, symptoms, …
Medical tests
… a slight risk of damage to cells or tissue from being exposed to any radiation, including the low levels used in … a slight risk of damage to cells or tissue from being exposed to any radiation, including the low levels used in …