153 results found
Medical tests
… or chest pain. Find lung conditions—such as pneumonia, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) , … is always a slight chance of damage to cells or tissue from radiation, including the low levels of radiation used for this test. But the chance of damage from …
Medical tests
… to look for problems such as infection, inflammation, or cancer. The doctor may use the tube to take a sample of … to treat lung cancer. Treatment may include surgery, radiation , or chemotherapy . Diagnose certain types of infection, such as …
Medical tests
… does not use X-rays or other potentially harmful types of radiation. A breast ultrasound is used to see whether a … surgery. Watch for changes in the size of a cyst or a non-cancerous lump (fibroadenoma). See how far cancer has spread … does not use X-rays or other potentially harmful types of radiation. A breast ultrasound is used to see whether a …
Medical tests
… After the tracer is injected, the camera will scan for radiation released by the tracer. The camera produces … blurring the pictures. The camera does not produce any radiation. You are not exposed to any more radiation while the scan is being done. How long the test …
Medical tests
… X-rays are commonly used. The X-rays use small amounts of radiation. Bitewing. These X-rays show the upper and lower … (called a thyroid shield) to shield the thyroid gland from radiation. Everyone else in the room wears a protective … This image can be viewed on a computer screen. Less radiation is needed to make an image with digital …
Medical tests
… radioactive tracer is injected, the camera will scan for radiation released by the tracer. The camera makes pictures … pictures won't be blurred. The camera does not produce any radiation. So you are not exposed to any more radiation while the scan is being done. A substance that …
Medical tests
… may be placed over your pelvic area to protect it from radiation. Two or more pictures of the affected limb are … is always a slight chance of damage to cells or tissue from radiation, including the low levels of radiation used for this test. But the chance of damage from …
Medical tests
… is always a slight chance of damage to cells or tissue from radiation, including the low levels of radiation used for this test. But the chance of damage from … be put over your belly to protect the baby from exposure to radiation from the X-rays. The chance of harm is usually …
Medical tests
… will be placed over your pelvic area to protect it from radiation. During the test You will stand or sit in front of … of damage to cells or tissue from being exposed to any radiation, even the low level of radiation used for this test. Results Normal The throat and …
Medical tests
… if the diagnosis is not clear. Diagnose suspected lung cancer . Evaluate any abnormalities seen on other tests, … biopsy can determine treatment options (such as surgery, radiation , or chemotherapy ). Medical Tests: Questions to …