329 results found
Medical tests
… test. This test can also be done on a urine sample. If you have chlamydia, all of your sex partners from the last 60 … a urine sample. There is very little chance of problems when collecting a sample of fluid from the cervix, vagina, …
Medical tests
… (also called an echo) uses sound waves to make an image of your heart. A device called a transducer is moved across … a medicine is used that makes your heart respond like you have been exercising. Why It Is Done A stress echocardiogram … 60 minutes. How It Feels You may have a brief, sharp pain when the intravenous (IV) needle is placed in a vein in your …
Medical tests
… that can't be seen with other imaging tests. For an MRI, your body is placed inside a machine that contains a strong … important to many health problems. Low Back Pain: Should I Have an MRI? Why It Is Done An MRI of the spine is done to: … If a contrast material is used, you may feel some coolness when it is put into your IV. In rare cases, you may feel: …
Medical tests
… are done to diagnose skin cancer , which may be suspected when an abnormal area of skin has changed colour , shape , … skin infection. How To Prepare In general, there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you …
Medical tests
… or legs. How To Prepare In general, there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you … If a contrast material is used, you may feel some coolness when it is put into your IV. In rare cases, you may feel: …
Medical tests
… or computed tomography (CT) scan . For an MRI of the head, you lie with your head inside a special machine (scanner) … test. How To Prepare In general, there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you … If a contrast material is used, you may feel some coolness when it is put into your IV. In rare cases, you may feel: …
Medical tests
… to come into contact more easily with the urethra. Men also have an antibacterial substance in their prostate gland that … may be done to find out if symptoms like pain or burning when urinating are from a urinary tract infection (UTI). The … find out whether the treatment has worked. How To Prepare You will need to collect a urine sample. You will need to …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A cardiac blood pool scan shows how well your heart is pumping blood to the rest of your body. During … Are allergic to any medicines. Are or might be pregnant. Have recently had any test that uses a radioactive tracer, … Feels You may feel nothing at all from the needle puncture when the tracer is injected, or you may feel a brief sting …
Medical tests
… is a procedure that looks at the space behind your breastbone and between your lungs. This area is called … It is often done to check lymph nodes to see if you should have lung removal surgery to treat lung cancer. Treatment … your procedure. Follow the instructions exactly about when to stop eating and drinking. If you don't, your …
Medical tests
… make antibodies that kill their own sperm. This can happen when the testicles are injured or after surgeries (such as a … the body and the immune system. The immune system can also have an allergic reaction to another person's semen and make … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …