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277 results found
Medical tests
… inform them. They may want to be tested. You may be able to get help from your local health unit to do this. Why It Is … Screen blood, blood products, and organ donors to prevent the spread of HIV. Screen pregnant women for HIV … test result, contact your sex partners to tell them. They should be tested. You may be able to get help from your …
Medical tests
… sex organs (testicles or ovaries) are working as they should. Why It Is Done The amounts of FSH and other hormones … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The … Low FSH values may mean: A woman is not producing eggs (prevents ovulation) or a man is not producing sperm. An area …
Medical tests
… Talk to your doctor about whether your child has been or should be tested. To screen children and teens for hearing … the nerves of the ear or, in rare cases, the brain itself prevents proper hearing. How To Prepare Tell your doctor if … a tone until you can no longer hear it. Then the tone will get louder until you can hear it again. If you can hear the …
Medical tests
… You will be awake during the biopsy. Open biopsy. You will get general anesthesia and be asleep during an open biopsy. … problems during your test. Your doctor will tell you if you should stop taking any of them before the test and how soon to do it. If you take a medicine that prevents blood clots, your doctor may tell you to stop …
Medical tests
… that are important to many health problems. Pregnancy: Should I Have Amniocentesis? Why It Is Done Amniocentesis … are concerned about your baby because of your age. As you get older, you have a greater chance of having a baby with a … given the Rh immunoglobulin shot (such as WinRho). This can prevent Rh sensitization, which could cause harm if your …
Medical tests
… patch of skin. This pad is covered with plastic or wax to prevent fluid loss (evaporation). The new pad will soak up … little risk of complications from this test. But the test should always be done on an arm or leg (not the chest) to … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The …
Medical tests
… that are important to many health problems. Pregnancy: Should I Have CVS (Chorionic Villus Sampling)? Why It Is … may choose to have this test because: Of your age. As you get older, you have a greater chance of having a baby with a … given the Rh immunoglobulin shot (such as WinRho). This can prevent Rh sensitization , which could cause harm if your …
Medical tests
… and pain medicine will make it unsafe for you to drive or get home on your own. Understand exactly what surgery is … during your surgery. Your doctor will tell you if you should stop taking any of them before the surgery and how soon to do it. If you take a medicine that prevents blood clots, your doctor may tell you to stop …
Medical tests
… ) may occur. In people infected with HIV who are not getting treated, CD4+ counts generally decrease as HIV … means a weakened immune system and a higher chance of getting opportunistic infections. Why It Is Done CD4+ counts … infections ). Decide when to start treatment to prevent opportunistic infections, such as medicines to …
Medical tests
… goes down. The transducer is at the tip of the tube. It gets close to your heart to make clear pictures. The doctor … during your procedure. Your doctor will tell you if you should stop taking any of them before the procedure and how soon to do it. If you take a medicine that prevents blood clots, your doctor may tell you to stop …