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101 results found
Medical tests
… underarm, and collarbone area for changes in breast size, skin changes, or signs of injury or infection, such as … underarm, and collarbone area for changes in breast size, skin changes, or signs of injury or infection, such as …
Medical tests
… can cause blood to clump in blood vessels under the skin when the skin is exposed to the cold. This causes pale skin and numbness in the hands and feet. The symptoms go …
Medical tests
… (surgical) biopsy. Your doctor will make a small cut in the skin and remove a lymph node. If more than one lymph node is … When the area is numb, the needle is put through the skin and into the lymph node. You must lie still while the … inserted. When the area is numb, a small cut is made in the skin. A needle with a special tip is put through the skin
Medical tests
… hospital, clinic, or doctor's office. Gel is applied to the skin to help the sound waves pass through. The transducer will be pressed against the gel on your skin. It will be moved across your skin several times. You need to be very still while the test …
Medical tests
… bilirubin measurements. When bilirubin levels are high, the skin and whites of the eyes may look yellow (jaundice). … drops of blood are collected from the baby's heel. The skin of the heel is first cleaned with alcohol and then … bilirubin levels when it is placed gently against the skin. With this device, there may be no need to puncture the …
Medical tests
… Core needle biopsy. Your doctor makes a small cut in the skin and inserts a needle with a special tip to remove … biopsy. Fine needle breast biopsy Your doctor numbs your skin with a shot of numbing medicine where the biopsy needle … When the area is numb, a needle is put through your skin into your breast tissue to take a sample. The needle is …
Medical tests
… of bone can be removed by: Inserting a needle through the skin and directly into the bone ( closed or needle biopsy ). … also may be given. Making a cut (incision) through the skin to expose an area of the bone ( open biopsy ). General … to get the biopsy samples from bones that are close to the skin surface and away from any internal organs or large …
Medical tests
… to wear. The electrodes for the test are attached to your skin. Your skin needs to be clean and free of sprays, oils, creams, and … leans back so your muscles are relaxed. Electromyogram The skin over the areas being tested is cleaned. A needle …
Medical tests
… or a pinch is usually felt when the lancet punctures the skin. Your baby may have a little discomfort with the skin puncture, but this doesn't last long. Blood sample from … bag. But removing the tape that attaches the bag to the skin may cause discomfort for a short time. Risks Heel stick …
Medical tests
… procedure. The doctor will inject numbing medicine in the skin over your bone. He or she will put a needle through your skin and into your bone to reach the bone marrow. You may … that you lie still in that position during the biopsy. The skin over the aspiration site will be cleaned with a special …