101 results found
Medical tests
… blouse or shirt. If you're getting a monitor put under your skin, you will get instructions on how to prepare for the … How It Feels If you have electrodes or pads on your skin, those places may itch slightly during the test. The skin on your chest may look or feel irritated when the …
Medical tests
… biopsy. Your doctor puts a thin needle through the skin and into the thyroid gland. Many thyroid specialists … Open biopsy. Your doctor makes a cut (incision) through the skin to see the thyroid gland. This method is done when … ( sedative ) to help you relax. Your doctor will clean the skin over your thyroid gland with a special soap. Your …
Medical tests
… chips). By breathing dust or smoke containing lead. Through skin contact with lead. There is no safe age to be exposed … or a pinch, is usually felt when the lancet punctures the skin. Your baby may feel a little discomfort with the skin puncture. Blood sample from a vein When a blood sample …
Medical tests
… put into your joint through a small cut (incision) in the skin. The scope has a light source and a video camera … shortly before the procedure to help you relax. The skin around your joint may be shaved. During the procedure … If a local anesthetic is used, it will be injected into the skin and joint space. If a local or regional anesthetic is …
Medical tests
… a lot. When you are too hot, the blood vessels in your skin widen to carry the excess heat to your skin's surface. You may start to sweat. As the sweat … your blood vessels narrow. This reduces blood flow to your skin to save body heat. You may start to shiver. When the …
Medical tests
… in the breast, nipple discharge, or dimpling of the skin on one area of the breast. Find an area of suspicious … ointments near or on your breasts. The residue left on your skin by these substances may interfere with the X-rays. How … but rarely painful. If you have sensitive or fragile skin or a skin condition, let the technician know before you …
Medical tests
… You will lie on your back on an examination table. The skin over your testicle is cleaned with a sterile solution. … to numb the area. Then a small cut is made through the skin. A tiny piece of testicular tissue is removed, and the … to remove a sample. It usually doesn't require a cut in the skin. How long the test takes The biopsy usually takes 15 to …
Medical tests
Medical tests
… ultrasound , a hand-held device is passed lightly over the skin above a blood vessel. The device is called a … left side with your belly exposed. Gel is applied to the skin to help the sound waves pass through. The transducer is placed in the gel and moved along the skin. You need to lie very still during the test. You may …
Medical tests
… Hair is a protein that grows out of hair follicles in the skin. Normally, a hair grows in the hair follicle for many … collected from the section of the hair closest to the skin. Hair close to the skin or scalp includes the most recent growth, which …