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329 results found
Medical tests
… prolactin, which is made by the pituitary gland , in your blood. Pregnant women have high levels of prolactin, … also make prolactin but it is not clear what it does in the body for these people. Prolactin levels are different … throughout the day. The highest levels occur during sleep and shortly after you wake up. Prolactin levels also …
Medical tests
… lymph node is the first node in a group of nodes in the body where cancer cells may move to after they have left the … cancer is normally one of the lymph nodes under the arm. Your doctor injects a blue dye or special tracer substance … can be detected. You will be given anesthesia to make you sleep. Or the anesthesia may just numb the area being worked …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Laryngoscopy is an examination that lets your doctor look at the back of your throat, your voice box … laryngoscopy is done in a surgery room. You will go to sleep ( general anesthetic ) and not feel the scope in your … will lie on your back during this procedure. After you are asleep, the rigid laryngoscope is put in your mouth and down …
Medical tests
… or EP study, is a test to see if there is a problem with your heartbeat (heart rhythm) and to find out how to fix it. … and safe by your anesthesia provider. You may be asleep during the test. Or you may get medicine that relaxes … neck, or arm. Sterile towels will be draped over your body, except for the areas over the insertion sites. During …
Medical tests
… is a procedure that looks at the space behind your breastbone and between your lungs. This area is called … in a vein to give you fluids and medicines. After you are asleep, a tube will be placed in your throat to help you … test, you will be taken to the recovery room. You may feel sleepy for several hours. Some people may go home if they …
Medical tests
… Why It Is Done You may need a prostate biopsy if your doctor found something of concern in your lab work or … bent. You will get anesthesia. The anesthesia may make you sleep. Or it may just numb the area being worked on. Your … bent. You will get anesthesia. The anesthesia may make you sleep. Or it may just numb the area being worked on. Your
Medical tests
… for calcium in the blood checks the calcium level in the body that is not stored in the bones. Calcium is the most … in the body depends on the amount of: Calcium you get in your food. Calcium and vitamin D your intestines absorb. Phosphate in the body. Certain …
Medical tests
… that checks the amount of calcium that is passed from the body in the urine. Calcium is the most common mineral in the … in the body depends on the amount of: Calcium you get in your food. Calcium and vitamin D your intestines absorb. Phosphate in the body. Certain …
Medical tests
… a blood sample to detect a group of proteins that help the body attack foreign substances. When there are a lot of … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the …
Medical tests
… or can be injected into a vein. It travels through your body, giving off radiation signals. The camera "sees" the … medicines or supplements for a while before the test. Tell your doctor about all of the medicines and natural health …