44 results found
Medical tests
… the test. The doctor puts a small, flexible tube into your throat and guides it to the esophagus. This is the tube that … not be able to eat or drink until the numbness from the throat spray wears off. Your throat may be sore for a few days after the test. Why It Is …
Medical tests
… miss an infection. Sometimes another test, called a urine culture, is needed. Why It Is Done A home test for urinary … miss an infection. Sometimes another test, called a urine culture, is needed. Why It Is Done A home test for urinary …
Medical tests
… vaccination ). More tests—such as a chest X-ray, a sputum culture , or both—are usually done to see if you have an … vaccination ). More tests—such as a chest X-ray, a sputum culture , or both—are usually done to see if you have an …
Medical tests
… scope is put through the mouth and gently moved down the throat. It goes through your esophagus , stomach, and … the test. Otherwise, you can go home after the test. Your throat may be numbed with an anesthetic spray, gargle, or … the test, you will be observed in a recovery room. If your throat was numbed before the test, you will not be allowed …
Medical tests
… Overview A swallowing study is a test that shows what your throat and esophagus do while you swallow. The test uses … coated with barium. The barium shows the movements of your throat and esophagus on the X-ray while you swallow. Why It … level of radiation used for this test. Results Normal The throat and esophagus look normal while you swallow. They do …
Medical tests
… of the scope in your mouth and gently moves it down your throat. The scope is a flexible video camera. The doctor … to check for a low blood count or clotting problems. Your throat may be numbed with an anesthetic spray, gargle, or … reflex and make it easier to insert the endoscope into your throat. During the test You may get a pain medicine and a …
Medical tests
… from areas such as the cervix, vagina, eyes, rectum, or throat to find the genetic material ( DNA ) of chlamydia … area. These areas may include the cervix , vagina, rectum, throat, or eyes. Your doctor may use a swab to collect the … Collecting a sample of fluid from the vagina, rectum, throat, or eyes may cause mild discomfort or pain. …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Your esophagus is the tube that connects your throat to your stomach. It moves food and liquid down to the … You may be given a spray medicine that numbs your nose and throat. For each test, a thin, flexible tube ( endoscope ) … It Feels The local anesthetic sprayed into your nose and throat usually tastes slightly bitter. It will make your …
Medical tests
… and are relaxed or asleep. An airway will be placed in your throat to help you breathe if you get general anesthesia. A … a few days after a laparoscopy. You may have a mild sore throat from the tube in your throat to help you breathe. Use throat lozenges and gargle …
Medical tests
… test results may be ready right away. But results from a culture or a Pap test may take several days or a few weeks. … test results may be ready right away. But results from a culture or a Pap test may take several days or a few weeks. …