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329 results found
Medical tests
… bind to foreign substances, such as bacteria and viruses, and cause them to be destroyed. The following conditions cause antibodies to be made. Transfusion reaction Human blood …
Medical tests
… rectum . Guided by ultrasound, a spring-loaded needle is used to take samples from the prostate through the rectal … between the scrotum and anus. While ultrasound is often used to guide the sampling, other ways of imaging such as MRI or CT scans may also be used. A prostate biopsy may be done: When a blood test shows …
Medical tests
… (mm Hg). Automatic blood pressure monitors Most people use an automatic monitor to measure their blood pressure at … to test it again when you are home. footnote 1 This is because your blood pressure can change throughout the day. And … Canada's 2018 guidelines for diagnosis, risk assessment, prevention, and treatment of hypertension in adults and …
Medical tests
… and it occurs immediately when incompatible blood is transfused. A transfusion reaction can be mild or cause a serious illness and even death. Type O-negative blood … any antigens. It is called the "universal donor" type because it is compatible with any blood type. Type AB-positive …
Medical tests
… scan is a type of nuclear scanning test. It is most often used to find a pulmonary embolism . This is a blood clot … get through 1 to 2 days of feeding. The radioactive tracer used in this test can get into your breast milk and is not … examined. You will be given a cloth or paper covering to use during the test. During the scan, you might lie on your …
Medical tests
… for blood-clotting problems. A d-dimer test can also be used to check how well a treatment is working. Why It Is Done Doctors use the d-dimer test when a person might have a dangerous … having this test. How It Is Done A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. …
Medical tests
… of bone marrow fluid through a needle. Bone marrow biopsy uses a needle to take out a small amount of bone with the … checked under a microscope. The hip bone is the most often used area for these procedures. Aspiration and biopsy are … to find a blood problem or an infection. They also may be used to find out if a cancer has spread to the bone marrow. …
Medical tests
… to check whether a newborn baby has the enzyme needed to use phenylalanine in their body. Phenylalanine is an amino … phenylalanine level builds up in the baby's blood and can cause brain damage, seizures, and intellectual disability . The damage caused by PKU can begin weeks after the baby has started …
Medical tests
… a blood glucose meter. Home blood sugar testing can be used to monitor your blood sugar levels. Talk with your … home blood sugar monitoring or self-monitoring. If you use insulin rarely or don't use it at all, blood sugar testing can be very helpful in …
Medical tests
… catheterization is a test to check your heart. This test uses a thin, flexible tube called a catheter that is … and the wall of the heart. In children, this test is used to check for heart problems that have been present … severe it is. Cardiac catheterization sometimes can also be used to help correct the defect. Check on blood flow through …