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329 results found
Medical tests
… urine. A high level of phosphate in the blood is usually caused by a kidney problem. The amount of phosphate in the … glands, such as the parathyroid glands. The test is also used to find a cause for abnormal vitamin D levels. How To Prepare Tell your …
Medical tests
… tolerance test (OGTT) measures the body's ability to use a type of sugar, called glucose, that is the body's main source of energy. An OGTT can be used to diagnose prediabetes and diabetes . An OGTT is most … taken in one day. But the amount of blood taken will not cause significant blood loss or anemia. Risks There is very …
Medical tests
… in an electrical field. Serum protein electrophoresis uses an electrical field to separate the proteins in the … bind to foreign substances, such as bacteria or viruses, causing them to be destroyed by the immune system . … doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. …
Medical tests
… how often to have this test. Cervical cancer is often caused by a high-risk type of the human papillomavirus (HPV) . … infection with the types of HPV that are most likely to cause cervical cancer. Why It Is Done A Pap test is done to … is light, you may still be able to have a Pap test. Do not use douches, tampons, vaginal medicines, sprays, or powders …
Medical tests
… Overview A thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) blood test is used to check for thyroid gland problems. TSH is produced … TRH then triggers the pituitary gland to release TSH. TSH causes the thyroid gland to make two hormones: … An underactive thyroid gland ( hypothyroidism ) can cause symptoms such as weight gain, tiredness, dry skin, …
Medical tests
… Check for a tumour in the adrenal glands. Find the cause of high blood pressure or low potassium levels. This is … ), corticosteroids , diuretics , and many medicines used to treat high blood pressure, especially spironolactone … your urine sample. How It Feels This test usually doesn't cause any pain or discomfort. Risks There are no known risks …
Medical tests
… . How It Is Done Blood test A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. … sting or pinch. Urine test This test usually doesn't cause any pain or discomfort. Risks Blood test There is very … normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The normal range is just a guide. Your …
Medical tests
… anemia . Mild folate deficiency often does not cause any symptoms. Severe folate deficiency may cause a sore tongue, diarrhea, weakness, forgetfulness, and … It Is Done A folate test may be done to: Check for the cause of anemia . A folate test is often done at the same time …
Medical tests
… Is Done A testicular biopsy may be done to help find the cause of male infertility. But this is rare. It may also be … are within the normal range. This test is not usually used to find testicular cancer . If your doctor thinks you … The scrotal area is then bandaged. If general anesthesia is used, you will be asleep during the procedure. But the same …
Medical tests
… Overview A viral test is done to find infection-causing viruses. Viruses grow only in living cells. Viruses cause disease by destroying or damaging the cells they …