329 results found
Medical tests
… node tissue to look for cancer. A sentinel node biopsy is used to see if a known cancer has spread from the original … (dissection). Problems from general anesthesia, if it is used. Damage to nerves at the biopsy site. This may cause weakness or pain. Results Test results are usually …
Medical tests
… from the uterus, such as fibroids or polyps. It may also be used to diagnose and treat abnormal bleeding or fertility … Why It Is Done A hysteroscopy may be done to: Find the cause of severe cramping or abnormal bleeding. Your doctor can … size of the uterus or if scar tissue in the uterus is the cause of infertility. Look at the uterine openings to the …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A mammogram is an X-ray of the breast that is used to screen for breast cancer . Mammograms can find … breast tomosynthesis is sometimes called 3D mammogram. It uses X-rays to create a three-dimensional image of the breast. This test may be used alone or with a digital mammogram. Cancer is most …
Medical tests
… middle sections of the gastrointestinal tract . The test uses barium contrast material , fluoroscopy , and X-ray . … instead of an upper GI series in certain cases. Endoscopy uses a thin, flexible tube (endoscope) to look at the lining … Why It Is Done An upper GI series is done to: Find the cause of gastrointestinal symptoms, such as trouble …
Medical tests
… of muscles when they're at rest and when they're being used. Nerve conduction studies measure how well and how fast … muscles react in certain ways. Nerve and muscle problems cause the muscles to react in ways that aren't normal. If you … the peripheral nervous system.) These studies are often used to help find nerve disorders, such as carpal tunnel …
Medical tests
… To guide the biopsy, ultrasound or other imaging may be used. After samples are removed, a tiny marker clip is … hang through. A mammogram, an ultrasound, or an MRI may be used to find the exact site for the biopsy. Fine needle … stop any bleeding. A bandage is put on. Ultrasound may be used to guide the placement of the needle during the biopsy. …
Medical tests
… response in a person. Skin tests are usually done because they are rapid, reliable, and generally less expensive than blood tests, but either type of test may be used. Skin tests A small amount of a suspected allergen is … allergy test may be done when a substance does not cause a reaction in the skin prick test but is still suspected …
Medical tests
… (say "lap-uh-ROSS-kuh-pee") is a type of surgery that uses very small cuts. These cuts are called incisions. The … may be done after early infertility tests do not show the cause for the infertility. Do a biopsy. See if cancer in … (resection) of the colon also can be done. Find the cause of sudden or ongoing pelvic pain. How To Prepare Surgery …
Medical tests
… needle biopsy ). A numbing medicine ( local anesthetic ) is used to prevent pain during this procedure. Intravenous (IV) … . Computed tomography ( CT scan ) or a bone scan may be used to guide the biopsy needle. Why It Is Done A bone … ( osteomyelitis ) or if an infection is present. Find the cause of ongoing bone pain. Check bone problems seen on an …
Medical tests
… weeks 15 and 20 to look at the baby's genes. It can also be used later in pregnancy. Amniocentesis for genetic testing … neural tube defects. You may choose to have this test because: You are concerned about your baby because of your age. As you get older, you have a greater chance …