329 results found
Medical tests
… before the test.) How It Is Done A blood sample is taken when you arrive for the test. This is your fasting blood … Do not eat during the test. You may drink water during this time. How long the test takes The test may take up to 3 … may prevent you from completing the test on that day. When a blood sample is taken, you may feel nothing at all …
Medical tests
… and bone cancer, such as multiple myeloma . See what is causing a bone infection ( osteomyelitis ) or if an infection … allows your doctor to do surgical treatment at the same time, if needed. How To Prepare Before having a bone biopsy: … eating and drinking. Follow the instructions exactly about when to stop eating and drinking, or your surgery may be …
Medical tests
… loss of consciousness or dementia . Help find what is causing a change in consciousness . Find out if a person who … a window during the test. The recording may be stopped from time to time. This allows you to stretch and change your … used (which is rare), you will feel a brief, sharp prick when each electrode is put in. It will feel kind of like …
Medical tests
… But if cancer is found in the sentinel lymph node at the time of surgery, more surgery may be needed to remove … ). How To Prepare Follow the instructions exactly about when to stop eating and drinking. If you don't, your test … you have a core needle biopsy, you may feel some pressure when the biopsy needle is put in. You may have general …
Medical tests
… (EMG) measures the electrical activity of muscles when they're at rest and when they're being used. Nerve conduction studies measure … is recorded. The electrode may be moved a number of times. This is done to record the activity in different …
Medical tests
… ribs and remove a sample of lung tissue. It is usually done when the other methods of lung biopsy have not been … take your medicines on the day of the biopsy, please do so using only a sip of water. Be sure you have someone to take … surgery (VATS) uses smaller incisions and takes less time to recover from than an open biopsy. But VATS may not …
Medical tests
… by the adrenal glands . Aldosterone levels tell the kidneys when to hold sodium in the body instead of passing it in the … and urine to see whether conditions or medicines may be causing fluid or electrolyte imbalances. Urine sodium levels … about 60 mL (2 fl oz) of this "midstream" urine without stopping the flow. Don't touch the rim of the container to …
Medical tests
… to see how well the bladder is working. Cystometry is done when a muscle or nerve problem may be causing problems with how well the bladder holds or releases … measures how much urine passes and how long it takes. The time and effort needed to start the flow of urine, the …
Medical tests
… present and how severe it is. Cardiac catheterization sometimes can also be used to help correct the defect. Check on … work. How To Prepare Follow the instructions exactly about when to stop eating and drinking. If your doctor told you to … take a few hours. How It Feels You will feel a sharp sting when you get the shot of local anesthetic to numb your skin …
Medical tests
… help the doctor to see any areas that are not normal. Sometimes the doctor also takes photos or videos. When the speculum goes in, it can feel a little … infection or bleeding. Bleeding can usually be stopped by using a special liquid or swab on the area. If you are …