329 results found
Medical tests
… CT scans may also be used. A prostate biopsy may be done: When a blood test shows a high level of prostate-specific … in the prostate where samples need to be taken. Sometimes other imaging, such as MRI, is used instead of or … affect your fertility. A prostate biopsy has a risk of causing problems such as: Infection. A urinary tract infection …
Medical tests
… to an upright position. It checks how your body responds when you change positions. Why It Is Done This test is done … to an upright position. It checks how your body responds when you change positions. Why It Is Done This test is done …
Medical tests
… that live in your large intestine, or colon, all the time. They usually don't cause problems. But sometimes, something causes the bacteria to grow. When there are too many of them, they release harmful substances called toxins. When the toxins are released, the colon becomes irritated …
Medical tests
… such as transferrin or ferritin, or stored in body tissues. When red blood cells die, their iron is released and carried … and leafy green vegetables. The body needs more iron at times of growth (such as during adolescence), for pregnancy, during breastfeeding, or at times when there are low levels of iron in the body (such as after …
Medical tests
… monitoring You may have external monitoring at different times during your pregnancy. Sometimes it's done during … with a special stethoscope. More often, it is done using two flat devices (sensors). They are held in place … 20 weeks of pregnancy. Internal monitoring is used only when you are in labour and your amniotic sac has broken. If …
Medical tests
… taking more images. Digital breast tomosynthesis is sometimes called 3D mammogram. It uses X-rays to create a … or with a digital mammogram. Cancer is most easily treated when it's discovered in an early stage. Mammograms don't … for breast cancer. A mammogram can seem to detect a cancer, when in fact there's no cancer there. This is called a …
Medical tests
… the level of calcium in the blood is carefully controlled. When blood calcium levels get low ( hypocalcemia ), the … release calcium to bring it back to a good blood level. When blood calcium levels get high ( hypercalcemia ), the … your bladder but do not save this urine. Write down the time that you urinated to mark the beginning of your 24-hour …
Medical tests
… the father has Rh-positive blood. Rh sensitization happens when the baby's blood mixes with the mother's blood during … response is called Rh sensitization and, depending on when it happens, can destroy the red blood cells of the baby … test takes The test will take a few minutes. How It Feels When a blood sample is taken, you may feel nothing at all …
Medical tests
… Risks Results Test Overview Using a home blood pressure monitor lets you keep track of … numbers. The first number shows how hard the blood pushes when the heart is pumping. This is the systolic pressure . … your blood pressure can change throughout the day. And sometimes blood pressure is high only because you are seeing a …
Medical tests
… period. You start collecting your urine in the morning. When you first get up, empty your bladder. But do not save this urine. Write down the time that you urinated to mark the beginning of your 24-hour … the large container in the refrigerator when you aren't using it. Empty your bladder for the last time at or just …