329 results found
Medical tests
… from Giardia lamblia . This test is often done at the same time as a stool analysis. Why It Is Done An antigen test may … from Giardia lamblia . This test is often done at the same time as a stool analysis. Why It Is Done An antigen test may …
Medical tests
… Scans of the liver and the spleen are done at the same time. Why It Is Done A liver and spleen scan is done to: … Allergic reactions to the radioactive tracer are rare. Anytime you're exposed to radiation, there's a small chance of … your baby for 1 or 2 days after this test. During this time, you can give your baby breast milk you stored before …
Medical tests
… ( fracture ). With further bone loss, low bone density (sometimes called osteopenia) can lead to osteoporosis . So the … You can do things like exercising, lifting weights or using weight machines. You can also make sure to get enough … You can do things like exercising, lifting weights or using weight machines. You can also make sure to get enough …
Medical tests
… as: Leaking urine. Feeling the need to urinate often. Pain when urinating. A weak stream of urine. Frequent urinary … from urinating. The doctor will remove the catheter. Sometimes X-rays are taken during a test. If they are, your … take. How It Feels You may feel a slight burning sensation when the catheter is inserted. Results Normal The amount of …
Medical tests
… Most of it is made by muscle tissue and red blood cells . When the oxygen level in the body is normal, carbohydrate breaks down into water and carbon dioxide. When the oxygen level is low, carbohydrate breaks down for … acid. Very high levels of lactic acid cause a serious, sometimes life-threatening condition called lactic acidosis. …
Medical tests
… Why It Is Done This procedure is not often done. It is sometimes done: When a child has severe earache, fever, and signs that an … when a person is suspected of having an unusual organism causing the ear infection. As a treatment for a child with …
Medical tests
… of ammonia in the blood. Most ammonia in the body forms when protein is broken down by bacteria in the intestines . … then eliminated in urine. Ammonia levels in the blood rise when the liver is not able to convert ammonia to urea. This … is done to: Check how well the liver is working, especially when symptoms of confusion, excessive sleepiness, coma, or …
Medical tests
… sample. High amounts of lipase may be found in the blood when the pancreas is damaged or when the tube leading from the pancreas (pancreatic duct) to … to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. How It Feels When a blood sample is taken, you may feel nothing at all …
Medical tests
… blood. (Often there are few parasites in the blood at the time the test is done.) A thin blood smear is a drop of … smears helps doctors discover what species of malaria is causing the infection. Why It Is Done Thick and Thin Blood … smears helps doctors discover what species of malaria is causing the infection. Why It Is Done Thick and Thin Blood …
Medical tests
… a brownish yellow substance found in bile . It is produced when the liver breaks down old red blood cells. Bilirubin is … derived from the total and direct bilirubin measurements. When bilirubin levels are high, the skin and whites of the … Several drops of blood are collected in a small tube. When enough blood has been collected, a gauze pad or cotton …