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43 results found
Medical tests
… that can tell how much fat tissue you have and where it is. Air displacement plethysmography. This is similar to underwater weighing, but it uses air instead of water. Results Experts have different … that can tell how much fat tissue you have and where it is. Air displacement plethysmography. This is similar to …
Medical tests
… for a lung disease is working. The tests look at: How much air your lungs can hold. How quickly you can move air in and out of your lungs. How well your lungs put oxygen … be repeated after you inhale medicine that enlarges your airways (bronchodilator). There are several different types …
Medical tests
… measures how much and how quickly you can breathe air in and out. An exercise challenge test can see what effect exercise has on airflow. Most people with asthma have some decreased airflow during or after exercise. But most people who have …
Medical tests
… used to measure IOP after a simple screening test (such as air-puff tonometry) finds an increased IOP. Electronic … Non-contact tonometry (pneumotonometry) . Non-contact (or air-puff) tonometry does not touch your eye but uses a puff of air to flatten your cornea. This type of tonometry is not …
Medical tests
… and shows large abnormalities. In a double-contrast or air-contrast study , the colon is first filled with barium, … on the wall of the colon. The colon is then filled with air. This provides a detailed view of the inner surface of … colon. A small balloon on the enema tip may be filled with air to help you hold in the barium. Tightening your anal …
Medical tests
… rubber bulb that your doctor can squeeze to give a puff of air into the ear canal. The air helps the doctor to see how the eardrum moves. Why It Is … The ear canal is skin-coloured and lined with small hairs and usually some yellowish brown earwax. The eardrum is …
Medical tests
… the gallbladder , kidneys , ureters , or bladder . Look for air outside of the bowel (intestines). Find an object that … ( ascites ), or foreign objects are seen. Normal amounts of air and fluid are seen in the intestines. Normal amounts of … usual or areas in the intestine have abnormal amounts of air or fluid in them. A collection of air inside the belly …
Medical tests
… or scope. The doctor will fill your uterus with air or liquid. This makes it easier to see the inside of … and gently moved through the cervix into your uterus. Air or liquid will be put through the hysteroscope into your … It may also change the level of sodium in your blood. If air is used, you have a small risk for an air bubble (air
Medical tests
… The surgery may be done to diagnose a condition, repair or remove an organ, or see if cancer has spread. For … after you get your anesthesia and are relaxed or asleep. An airway will be placed in your throat to help you breathe if … through your urethra into the bladder. Some of your pubic hair may be shaved. Your belly and pelvic area will be washed …
Medical tests
… ultrasound . Bones may block other organs from being seen. Air-filled organs, such as the intestines, can make the … your bladder. Gel will be put on your belly to improve the quality of the sound waves. A small, hand-held device called … ultrasound . Bones may block other organs from being seen. Air-filled organs, such as the intestines, can make the …