329 results found
Medical tests
… (also called an echo) uses sound waves to make an image of your heart. A device called a transducer sends sound waves that echo off your heart and back to the transducer. These echoes are … walls do not move normally because of a decreased blood supply from narrowed coronary arteries. One or more heart …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A ketone test checks for ketones in your blood or urine. Ketones are substances that are made when the body breaks down fat for energy. Normally, your body gets the energy it needs from carbohydrate in your … made if your diet does not contain enough carbohydrates to supply the body with sugar (glucose) for energy or if your …
Medical tests
… you are breastfeeding, you may want to pump enough breast milk before the test to get through 1 to 2 days of feeding. … The radioactive tracer used in this test can get into your breast milk and is not good for the baby. How It Is … off any jewellery. You may need to take off all or most of your clothes. You will be given a gown to wear during the …
Medical tests
… or can be injected into a vein. It travels through your body, giving off radiation signals. The camera "sees" … medicines or supplements for a while before the test. Tell your doctor about all of the medicines and natural health … you are breastfeeding, you may want to pump enough breast milk before the test to get through 1 to 2 days of feeding. …
Medical tests
… Overview A HIDA scan is an imaging test that checks how your gallbladder is working. The gallbladder is a small sac under your liver. It stores bile, a fluid that helps your body … you are breastfeeding, you may want to pump enough breast milk before the test to get through 1 to 2 days of feeding. …
Medical tests
… lab will give you specific instructions on how to prepare your hair. Hair preparation and the part of your body from which the hair is taken varies. In general, … substances. Air pollution, mineral content of the water supply, exposure to industrial waste, shampoos, hair dyes, …
Medical tests
… scan. A radioactive tracer is injected into a vein in your arm. It travels through your blood and into the lungs. Pictures from this scan can … you are breastfeeding, you may want to pump enough breast milk before the test to get through 1 to 2 days of feeding. …
Medical tests
… you are breastfeeding, you may want to pump enough breast milk before the test to get through 1 to 2 days of feeding. … The radioactive tracer used in this test can get into your breast milk and is not good for the baby. How It Is … with the scan. You may need to take off all or most of your clothes, depending on which area is being examined. …
Medical tests
… test that can check for problem areas in certain tissues in your body. A radioactive tracer (tracer) called gallium citrate is injected into a vein in your arm. It moves through your bloodstream and into certain … talk with your doctor about how long to wait to use your milk after the test. Many doctors suggest waiting 4 weeks …
Medical tests
… Galactose is a sugar that is part of the lactose found in milk and milk products. A galactosemia test is a blood or … are needed to change galactose into glucose, a sugar that your body uses for energy. A person with galactosemia … heel is poked, and several drops of blood are collected. Your baby may have a tiny bruise where the heel was poked. …