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1689 results found
… same as human insulin. It replaces the insulin that your body would normally make. It works right away like regular … by helping blood sugar (glucose) get into cells so your body can use it for energy. This medication may be used … under the skin as directed by your doctor, usually 2 to 3 times daily before meals. Because this insulin is …
… Warning Rarely, too much metformin can build up in the body and cause a serious (sometimes fatal) condition called lactic acidosis. Lactic … liver makes. Metformin works by helping to restore your body's proper response to the insulin you naturally produce. …
… similar to human insulin. It replaces the insulin that your body would normally make. It is an intermediate-acting … by helping blood sugar (glucose) get into cells so your body can use it for energy. Insulin isophane is often used … cartridge, turning it upside down and right side up several times to mix the medication. Do not shake the container. …
… similar to human insulin. It replaces the insulin that your body would normally make. Insulin aspart starts working … by helping blood sugar (glucose) get into cells so your body can use it for energy. This medication is usually used … benefit from it. To help you remember, use it at the same times each day. Tell your doctor if your condition does not …
… spaced intervals. To help you remember, use it at the same times each day. Do not increase your dose, use this … doses for a long time, it may be more difficult for your body to respond to physical stress. Before having surgery or … medications can affect the removal of fluticasone from your body, which may affect how fluticasone works. Examples …
… unusual sweating, confusion, weakness on one side of the body, trouble speaking, sudden vision changes. Talk to your … anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It works by blocking your body's production of certain natural substances that cause … medication by mouth as directed by your doctor, usually 2 times a day. To prevent stomach upset, take this medication …
… flashes, vaginal dryness). These symptoms are caused by the body making less estrogen. The progestin in this medication … sweating sudden/severe headache weakness on one side of the body confusion trouble speaking sudden vision changes (such … flashes, vaginal dryness). These symptoms are caused by the body making less estrogen. The progestin in this medication …
… unusual sweating, confusion, weakness on one side of the body, trouble speaking, sudden vision changes. Talk to your … anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It works by blocking your body's production of certain natural substances that cause … as bleeding, heartburn, ulcers) Kidney problems can sometimes occur with the use of NSAID medications, including …
… with food can increase the amount of drug in your body and increase the risk of serious side effects. If … and herbal products). Children's dosage is also based on body size. Do not increase your dose or take this medication … as bloody/black stool, bloody/pink urine) Nilotinib sometimes causes side effects due to the rapid destruction of …
… nausea, or seizures. Withdrawal symptoms may sometimes last weeks to months. Uses Alprazolam is used to treat … enhancing the effects of a certain natural chemical in the body (GABA). How To Use See also Warning section. Read the … medications can affect the removal of alprazolam from your body, which may affect how alprazolam works. Examples …