1571 results found
… ileus, infectious diarrhea, colitis, blockage) kidney disease liver disease lung diseases (such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary …
… risk may be greater in older adults or if you have heart disease or increased risk for heart disease (for example, due to smoking, family history of heart disease, or conditions such as high blood pressure or …
… risk may be greater in older adults or if you have heart disease or increased risk for heart disease (for example, due to smoking, family history of heart disease, or conditions such as high blood pressure or …
… risk may be greater in older adults or if you have heart disease or increased risk for heart disease (for example, due to smoking, family history of … you to take low-dose aspirin for heart attack or stroke prevention (usually 81-162 milligrams a day), you should …
… risk may be greater in older adults or if you have heart disease or increased risk for heart disease (for example, due to smoking, family history of heart disease, or conditions such as high blood pressure or …
… has rarely caused very serious (possibly fatal) liver disease. Tell your doctor right away if you develop symptoms of liver disease, such as: nausea/vomiting that doesn't stop loss of … or pharmacist your medical history, especially of: heart disease (such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, …
… your medical history, especially of: glaucoma bladder disease (such as bladder outflow blockage, urinary retention) certain muscle disease (myasthenia gravis) heart disease (such as congestive heart failure, coronary artery …
… (such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema) kidney disease liver disease overactive thyroid disease (hyperthyroidism) serious allergic reactions …
… of a certain swelling disorder (angioedema) gallbladder disease heart disease (such as irregular heartbeat, previous heart attack) … blood pressure high cholesterol/triglyceride levels kidney disease liver disease lupus mental/mood disorders (such as …
… block) blood circulation problems (such as Raynaud's disease, peripheral vascular disease) breathing problems (such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema) kidney disease liver disease heart failure mental/mood disorders …