1037 results found
… there is an extremely small chance that you may get infections from the medication (for example, virus infections such as hepatitis). Consult your doctor or pharmacist for more …
… of getting a rare but very serious (sometimes fatal) brain infection (progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy-PML). … PML may also be higher if you have been infected with the virus that causes this infection (JC virus). Your doctor may order a test to see if you have been …
… medication can decrease your body's ability to fight an infection. This effect can lead to very serious (possibly … current/recent/repeated infections (including fungal, hepatitis B, tuberculosis) heart disease (especially … Avoid treatments that contain live bacteria or viruses (such as BCG, flu vaccine inhaled through the nose) …
… needs. Warning Tofacitinib may lower your ability to fight infections. This may make you more likely to get a serious … a certain white blood cell disorder (Epstein Barr Virus-associated post-transplant lymphoproliferative … heart attack) kidney disease liver disease (such as hepatitis B or C) lung disease past/recent/current …
… needs. Warning Tofacitinib may lower your ability to fight infections. This may make you more likely to get a serious … a certain white blood cell disorder (Epstein Barr Virus-associated post-transplant lymphoproliferative … heart attack) kidney disease liver disease (such as hepatitis B or C) lung disease past/recent/current …
… Rotavirus Vaccine - Oral On this page: Uses How To Use Side … needs. Uses This vaccine is used to prevent a certain virus infection (rotavirus) in infants and young children. …
… Uses This medication is used to treat a certain parasite infection of the intestines (amebiasis). This medication is … is poorly absorbed into the blood so it will not work for infections outside of the intestines. Paromomycin may also … This antibiotic treats only parasitic and bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as …
… there is an extremely small chance that you may get infections from the medication (for example, viruses such as hepatitis). Consult your doctor or pharmacist for more …
… This medication is used to prevent a certain serious viral infection (cytomegalovirus-CMV) in persons having an organ transplant (kidney, … from the medication (for example, viruses such as hepatitis). Consult your doctor or pharmacist for more …
… drug is used with other HIV medications to help control HIV infection. It helps to decrease the amount of HIV in your … without approval from your doctor may cause the amount of virus to increase, make the infection more difficult to … medical history, especially of: liver problems (such as hepatitis B or C, or cirrhosis) kidney problems alcohol use …