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678 results found
… needs. Uses This medication is a vaccine used to prevent cancer of the cervix. It is also used to prevent abnormal … certain cancers such as leukemia/lymphoma, cancer or radiation treatment) current fever/illness This vaccine is … system (including cyclosporine, tacrolimus, cancer chemotherapy, corticosteroids such as prednisone) Overdose Not …
… needs. Uses This medication is a vaccine used to prevent cancer of the anus, abnormal tissue growth of the anus, … certain cancers such as leukemia/lymphoma, cancer or radiation treatment) current fever/illness This vaccine is … system (including cyclosporine, tacrolimus, cancer chemotherapy, corticosteroids such as prednisone) This vaccine …
… (a type of estrogen) as combination hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in women after menopause. Combination HRT can … (possibly in the lungs and legs), dementia, and breast cancer. Some of these risks appear to depend on the length … is also used as part of combination hormone replacement therapy with estrogens to reduce menopause symptoms (such as …
… white blood cells is reduced (for instance, due to chemotherapy, chronic neutropenia, or exposure to large amounts of radiation). It is also used in certain treatment procedures … risk of side effects will increase. If you are receiving cancer chemotherapy, you should not use this medication …
… medication is used to prevent nausea and vomiting due to cancer drug treatment (chemotherapy) and radiation therapy. It works by blocking one of the body's …
… may also increase your risk of getting certain types of cancer (such as skin cancer, lymphoma). Tell your doctor … previous treatments (such as coal tar, methotrexate, radiation treatment, light treatment with PUVA/UVB) are at … when outdoors. Your doctor may direct you to avoid phototherapy while you use this product. Ask your doctor for …
… drug (estrogen) during combination hormone replacement therapy. Treatment can rarely cause heart disease (for … (possibly in the lungs and legs), dementia, and breast cancer. These risks appear to depend on the length of treatment and other factors. Combination hormone therapy should be used for the shortest possible length of …
… including non-drug therapies (such as rest, physical therapy) to treat active rheumatoid arthritis. It is used to … liver disease SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus) recent radiation therapy This medication may make you more … liver disease SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus) recent radiation therapy This medication may make you more …
… needs. Uses Everolimus is used to treat various types of cancer (such as kidney, breast, pancreas, lung, … chills, cough). This medication may make side effects from radiation treatment worse. These side effects can sometimes … Tell your doctor if you have had or are planning to have radiation treatment. This medication has caused very serious …
… system disorders (such as due to HIV infection, certain cancers such as leukemia/lymphoma, cancer or radiation treatment) current fever/illness During pregnancy, … system (including cyclosporine, tacrolimus, cancer chemotherapy, corticosteroids such as prednisone) Overdose Not …