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Health topics
… chronic kidney disease? Chronic kidney disease means your kidneys have not worked right for a while. It most often happens as a result of damage to your kidneys over many years. But it can also happen quickly. Your kidneys have an important job. They remove waste and extra …
Medical tests
Health topics
… used to be called acute renal failure) means that your kidneys have suddenly stopped working normally. Your kidneys remove waste products and help balance water and … other minerals ( electrolytes ) in your blood. When your kidneys stop working, waste products, fluids, and …
Health topics
… kidney disease? Diabetic kidney disease is damage to your kidneys caused by diabetes. This is sometimes called … with diabetes has kidney damage. What causes it? The kidneys have many tiny blood vessels that filter waste from … regular urine tests to find kidney damage early. As your kidneys are less able to do their job, you may have swelling …
Health topics
Health topics
… (eGFR). Glomerular filtration is the process by which the kidneys filter the blood, removing excess wastes and fluids. … that determines how well the blood is filtered by the kidneys. It is one way to measure kidney function. Your … (eGFR). Glomerular filtration is the process by which the kidneys filter the blood, removing excess wastes and fluids. …
Health topics
… bone marrow. To get the marrow to make red blood cells, the kidneys make a hormone called erythropoietin, or EPO. When the kidneys are damaged, they may not make enough EPO. Without … and you have anemia. In most cases, the more damaged the kidneys are, the more severe the anemia is. In general, …
Health topics
… in your urinary system that affects urine flow in the kidneys, ureters , or bladder . Other treatment methods have … in your urinary system that affects urine flow in the kidneys, ureters , or bladder . Other treatment methods have …
Health topics
… the out-of-control growth of abnormal cells in one or both kidneys . Another name for kidney cancer is renal cancer. … and a creatinine test. Tests that show pictures of your kidneys (imaging tests), such as: A CT scan . Dye may be … (thermal ablation). If the cancer has spread beyond the kidneys (metastatic cancer), treatment may also include …
Medical tests
… the X-rays may harm the unborn baby. Results Normal The kidneys, ureters, and bladder appear normal. Abnormal The … the X-rays may harm the unborn baby. Results Normal The kidneys, ureters, and bladder appear normal. Abnormal The …