4894 results found
… Side Effects See also Warning section. Sore throat, muscle pain, weight gain, or tooth problems may occur. If any of … that doesn't stop dark urine yellowing of eyes/skin stomach/abdominal pain Pioglitazone does not usually cause low blood … that doesn't stop dark urine yellowing of eyes/skin stomach/abdominal pain Pioglitazone does not usually cause low blood …
… that doesn't stop, dark urine, yellowing eyes/skin, stomach/abdominal pain) easy bruising/bleeding unusual tiredness muscle … that doesn't stop, dark urine, yellowing eyes/skin, stomach/abdominal pain) easy bruising/bleeding unusual tiredness …
Health topics
… sup-yur-uh-TY-vuh") is a skin condition that causes lumps on the skin. The lumps look like pimples or … pimples, acne, or boils appear on the skin and are usually painful. The lumps: Usually occur in areas where skin rubs … activities that cause skin to rub together. If you have pain, try a warm compress. Soak a towel or face cloth in …
Health topics
… eye. You will also get instructions on how to manage your pain. Someone must drive you home and then back to the … surgery see quite well the next day. There is little or no pain after LASIK. Why It Is Done LASIK is a procedure done … eye. You will also get instructions on how to manage your pain. Someone must drive you home and then back to the …
… vomiting, decreased appetite, headache, joint/muscle pain, swelling of ankles/legs/feet, numbness/tingling of … pale skin, shortness of breath) Ibrutinib sometimes causes side effects due to the rapid destruction of cancer … right away if you have symptoms such as: low back/side pain (flank pain) signs of kidney problems (such as painful …
Health topics
… therapies are treatments that use cold or heat to help with pain, soreness, muscle spasms, swelling, and inflammation. … spasms. Either cold or heat therapy may help with arthritis pain, cancer pain, low back pain, or soreness after exercise. Try both …
Medical tests
… of vaginal discharge is measured. Bacterial vaginosis often causes a pH that is higher than normal. DNA test. A sample … symptoms such as abnormal vaginal discharge, irritation, or pain. How To Prepare Your doctor may ask you not to douche, … symptoms such as abnormal vaginal discharge, irritation, or pain. How To Prepare Your doctor may ask you not to douche, …
Health topics
… anesthesia . This means that you will be awake but feel no pain. You also will likely have medicine to make you feel … its job to keep your heart beating. You won't feel any pain if the ICD uses electrical pulses to fix a heart rate … that show there's a chance I could get a heart problem that causes my heart to stop. I have absolutely no symptoms, and …
… effects, including: nausea/vomiting that doesn't stop eye pain dark urine severe stomach/abdominal pain yellowing eyes/skin vision changes … that doesn't stop eye pain dark urine severe stomach/abdominal pain yellowing eyes/skin vision changes …
… It works by preventing the growth of the virus that causes COVID-19. Ritonavir increases ("boosts") the levels … Changes in taste, diarrhea, high blood pressure, or muscle pain may occur. If any of these effects last or get worse, … that doesn't stop, loss of appetite, stomach/abdominal pain, yellowing eyes/skin, dark urine) A very …