4894 results found
Medical tests
… tiredness. Fever. Headache and stiff neck. Muscle and joint pain. Symptoms of chronic Lyme disease infection include joint pain, stiffness, and problems with the heart, brain, or … to see if you've had an infection from a bacteria that causes Lyme disease. A normal (negative) test means that no …
HealthLinkBC files
… of a burn or scald for young children? Hospitalization for painful burn treatment, which can require surgery Pressure … even if the skin peels or blisters; cooling reduces pain and injury Keep your child warm; only cool the skin …
Health features
… : coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pain or tightness, throat tightness, hoarse voice, nasal … trouble swallowing Gastrointestinal (stomach) : nausea, pain or cramps, vomiting, diarrhea Cardiovascular (heart) : …
Health topics
… before increasing the amount of fluids. If the catheter causes some irritation or a rash, wearing loose cotton … have symptoms of a urinary infection. These may include: Pain or burning when you urinate. A frequent need to urinate without being able to pass much urine. Pain in the flank, which is just below the rib cage and …
Health topics
… medicines Acetaminophen (such as Tylenol) for fever and pain Some allergy medicines, including loratadine (such as … other medicines used to treat anxiety. Over-the-counter pain medicines like ibuprofen (such as Advil and Motrin) and … medicines Acetaminophen (such as Tylenol) for fever and pain Some allergy medicines, including loratadine (such as …
Health topics
… Overview For moderate to severe pain from osteoarthritis , try applying heat and cold to the … hot shower, or hot pack. Heat seems to be effective for pain and stiffness related to inactivity of a joint. If you … low or medium, never on high. Try putting cold packs on a painful joint for 10 to 20 minutes. Do not apply a cold pack …
Health topics
… recommended. The sooner you treat the headache, the less painful it may be. If your headaches become more severe and … You breathe oxygen through a face mask to relieve headache pain. Oxygen therapy is one of the best treatments to stop a cluster headache. Oxygen therapy relieves headache pain within 15 minutes in more than 7 out of 10 people who …
Health topics
… in the neck are infected). Shortness of breath and chest pain (in rare cases). How is TB diagnosed? Doctors usually … and unexplained weight loss. Shortness of breath and chest pain. Symptoms of active TB outside the lungs Symptoms of TB … on which area of the body is infected. For example, back pain can be a symptom of TB in the spine, or your neck may …
… may make your periods more regular, decrease blood loss and painful periods, decrease your risk of ovarian cysts, and … changes (such as new/worsening depression) severe stomach/abdominal pain unusual changes in vaginal bleeding (such as … changes (such as new/worsening depression) severe stomach/abdominal pain unusual changes in vaginal bleeding (such as …
… may make your periods more regular, decrease blood loss and painful periods, decrease your risk of ovarian cysts, and … changes (such as new/worsening depression) severe stomach/abdominal pain unusual changes in vaginal bleeding (such as … changes (such as new/worsening depression) severe stomach/abdominal pain unusual changes in vaginal bleeding (such as …