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Health topics
… feet, or hands will swell. That's because gravity normally causes body fluid to move down a limb. Swelling can also be … breathing Mild Mild difficulty breathing Do you have pain in the area with the swelling? Yes Pain with swelling No Pain with swelling How bad is the pain
Health topics
… elbow looks like the cartoon character Popeye's elbow. What causes it? There are three general causes of olecranon … the symptoms? Symptoms of olecranon bursitis may include: Pain, especially with movement of the elbow or pressure on … bursitis treated? Home treatment is often enough to reduce pain and let the bursa heal. Your doctor may suggest …
Health topics
… may be caused by many different health problems. But ear pain at any age may be a symptom of: Infection of the middle … caused by an injury to the ear can occur at any age. Common causes of ear injuries include: A fall or a forceful, direct … other parts of the face, eyes, jaw, teeth, and upper neck. Pain that feels as if it is in the ear may be coming from …
Health topics
… Calcium buildup in the tendons. The buildup can cause a painful condition called calcific tendinopathy . Partial or complete tears of the rotator cuff tendons. What causes them? Most rotator cuff disorders are caused by a mix … fall. What are the symptoms? A rotator cuff disorder causes pain and weakness in your shoulder. Most often, the pain is …
Health topics
… had a minor injury to a finger, hand, or wrist that caused pain or swelling. Most of the time our body movements don't … jerk, jam, or bend a limb in a way that isn't normal. Pain may be sudden and severe. Bruising and swelling may … going more than 32 km (20 miles) per hour. Any event that causes severe bleeding that you cannot control. Any event …
Health topics
… is wrong with him or her. Infection, illness, injury or pain, or a medical problem may cause a child to not act … crying. Usually a baby with colic isn't crying because of pain or physical discomfort. But it is important to be aware … . Medical treatment is needed for a fall or injury that causes more serious symptoms, such as a head injury or …
Health topics
… What is shingles? Shingles is a painful skin rash . It's caused by the varicella zoster … But it's possible to get shingles more than once. What causes it? Shingles occurs when the virus that causes … (flu)-like symptoms. Later you may feel tingling or pain in an area on your body where a rash may occur a few …
Health topics
… cord or nerve roots being squeezed. This can cause back pain and numbness or weakness in one or both legs. In rare … at all or no symptoms until years later. Then you may have pain in your low back or buttock. Muscles in your leg may feel tight or weak. You may even limp. What causes it? Spondylolisthesis may be caused by problems with …
Health topics
… Information Check Your Symptoms Overview A hip injury and pain can make it hard to walk, go up and down stairs, squat, … may bother you or cause you to worry. But if your hip isn't painful, in many cases the click or snap is nothing to worry … going more than 32 km (20 miles) per hour. Any event that causes severe bleeding that you cannot control. Any event …
Health topics
… of arthritis . It can cause an attack of sudden burning pain, stiffness, and swelling in a joint, usually a big toe. … and other tissues. Gout is most common in men. What causes it? Gout is caused by too much uric acid in the … attack of swelling, tenderness, redness, and intense pain in a joint, usually your big toe joint . It may get …