232 results found
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… happen when plaque in the coronary artery breaks open or ruptures. Blood then clots in the artery and blocks blood … to constrict, which may cause an unstable plaque to rupture. Rare causes In rare cases, the coronary artery … happen when plaque in the coronary artery breaks open or ruptures. Blood then clots in the artery and blocks blood …
Health topics
… been injured. These tissues include blood vessels, nerves, tendons, ligaments, joints, bones, and internal organs. … been injured. These tissues include blood vessels, nerves, tendons, ligaments, joints, bones, and internal organs. …
Health topics
… called a herniated disc. It may also be called a slipped or ruptured disc. A herniated disc doesn't always cause … called a herniated disc. It may also be called a slipped or ruptured disc. A herniated disc doesn't always cause … called a herniated disc. It may also be called a slipped or ruptured disc. A herniated disc doesn't always cause …
Health topics
… been injured. These tissues include blood vessels, nerves, tendons, ligaments, joints, bones, or internal organs. Apply … been injured. These tissues include blood vessels, nerves, tendons, ligaments, joints, bones, or internal organs. Apply …
Health topics
… don't limit blood flow much or cause symptoms. But if one ruptures, it can cause a heart attack. This type of plaque … don't limit blood flow much or cause symptoms. But if one ruptures, it can cause a heart attack. This type of plaque … don't limit blood flow much or cause symptoms. But if one ruptures, it can cause a heart attack. This type of plaque …
Health topics
… the skin or poke into the mouth. Bruises from a tear or rupture of small blood vessels under the skin. Broken bones, … the skin or poke into the mouth. Bruises from a tear or rupture of small blood vessels under the skin. Broken bones, …
Health topics
… plaque breaks apart, it can cause a heart attack. A tear or rupture in the plaque tells the body to repair the injured … plaque breaks apart, it can cause a heart attack. A tear or rupture in the plaque tells the body to repair the injured …
Health topics
… pain that starts all of a sudden may be a symptom of a rupture of the stomach or intestines (perforation), torsion … pain that starts all of a sudden may be a symptom of a rupture of the stomach or intestines (perforation), torsion …
Health topics
… way to reduce the risk of lifelong paralysis. A torn or ruptured disc. If the tear is large enough, the jelly-like … way to reduce the risk of lifelong paralysis. A torn or ruptured disc. If the tear is large enough, the jelly-like …
Health topics
… may be injured, don't try to move the person. A torn or ruptured disc. If the tear is large enough, the jelly-like … may be injured, don't try to move the person. A torn or ruptured disc. If the tear is large enough, the jelly-like …