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… when a blood vessel (artery) in the brain leaks or bursts (ruptures). This causes bleeding: Inside the brain tissue … ). A common cause of subarachnoid hemorrhage is the rupture of an aneurysm . Hemorrhagic strokes are not as … commands, and headache. If the bleeding is due to a ruptured brain aneurysm, surgery or a procedure to repair …
Health topics
… facts Your options Have surgery to treat tennis elbow. Try tendon rest and rehabilitation or other treatment. Key … rehab, you might think about having surgery. Resting the tendon is important. With rest, rehabilitation, and … on the outside part of the elbow. You get symptoms when the tendon at the elbow is damaged. Tennis elbow is caused by …
Health topics
… scar breaking open during labour. This is called uterine rupture. Although rare, uterine rupture can be life-threatening for both mother and baby. So women with risk factors for uterine rupture should not attempt a vaginal birth after caesarean …
Health topics
… the risks. Repairing the aneurysm lowers the risk of rupture. And the repair can help a person live longer. … a smaller aneurysm, which doesn't have as high a risk of rupture, does not help a person live longer. footnote 1 … Lederle FA, et al. (2007). Systematic review: Repair of unruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. Annals of Internal …
Health topics
… the risks. Repairing the aneurysm lowers the risk of rupture and can help a person live longer. Repairing a smaller aneurysm, which doesn't have as high a risk of rupture, does not help a person live longer. footnote 1 … Lederle FA, et al. (2007). Systematic review: Repair of unruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. Annals of Internal …
Health topics
… The rotator cuff is a group of tough, flexible fibres (tendons) and muscles in the shoulder . Rotator cuff disorders include: Irritation or damage to the tendons (tendinopathy, sometimes called tendinitis). … fluid-filled sac that serves as a cushion between the tendons and the bones. Impingement. This means that a tendon
Health topics
… sufficiently. Surgery to repair a torn rotator cuff tendon usually involves: Removing loose fragments of tendon , bursa , and other debris from the space in the … called debridement.) Making more room for the rotator cuff tendon so it is not pinched or irritated. If needed, this …
Health topics
… is the rotator cuff? The rotator cuff is a group of four tendons and muscles in the shoulder. The rotator cuff keeps … blade (scapula). These bones are held together by muscles, tendons, and ligaments . The rotator cuff helps keep the arm … blade. What are rotator cuff disorders? The rotator cuff tendons are a common source of shoulder problems. Over time, …
Health topics
… direction that it moves. Stretching exercises. Keep your Achilles tendon (heel cord) flexible while your ankle heals. … direction that it moves. Stretching exercises. Keep your Achilles tendon (heel cord) flexible while your ankle heals. …
Health topics
… blade (scapula). These bones are held together by muscles, tendons , and ligaments . The shoulder joint has the … They occur when small blood vessels under the skin tear or rupture, often from a twist, bump, or fall. Blood leaks into … to the tough, ropy fibres that connect muscle to bone (tendons). Pulled muscles ( strains ). Injuries to nerves, …