4679 results found
Health topics
… foods or drinking too much alcohol. Stress from a severe injury, serious illness, or major surgery. An autoimmune … happens only now and then, you can likely use just home treatment. This may include changes to your diet, such as … foods or drinking too much alcohol. Stress from a severe injury, serious illness, or major surgery. An autoimmune …
Health topics
… do not try to remove an object from the wound. Seek medical treatment immediately. Do not remove an object that has … hold the object in place to prevent further movement and injury to the eye. If the wound is serious enough because of … hold the object in place to prevent further movement and injury to the eye. If the wound is serious enough because of …
Health topics
… symptoms. Removal of an object in a young girl requires treatment by a doctor to reduce the risk of complications … of an object in a teenage girl requires evaluation and treatment by a doctor so sexual activity, high-risk sexual … symptoms. Removal of an object in a young girl requires treatment by a doctor to reduce the risk of complications …
Health topics
… Chronic pain often requires both counselling and medical treatment, because it can have a wearing effect on both the … pain, anxiety, and depression. Physiotherapists. They teach exercises for improving and maintaining strength, function, … pain, anxiety, and depression. Physiotherapists. They teach exercises for improving and maintaining strength, function, …
Health topics
… of one or more other conditions, disease processes, or treatments. Women are far more likely to develop low bone … because bone forms in response to stress. Weight-bearing exercises such as walking, hiking, and dancing are all good … because bone forms in response to stress. Weight-bearing exercises such as walking, hiking, and dancing are all good …
Health topics
… all of the layers of skin (a full-thickness avulsion injury), fat and muscle may be visible. This type of wound … or toe are common avulsion injuries. If this avulsion injury is larger than 6.5 mm (0.25 in.) by 6.5 mm (0.25 in.) … but it will give your doctor more information about your injury. Avulsion injuries are usually treated in one of the …
… reaction may happen at any time (soon after starting HIV treatment or many months later). Get medical help right away … conditions causing an increased risk of bleeding (such as injury, surgery) high blood fat levels … conditions causing an increased risk of bleeding (such as injury, surgery) high blood fat levels …
Health topics
… activities. Having mood swings or feeling sad or depressed. Treatment Treatment for substance use disorder in older adults is the … it can help to talk to a doctor, friend, or family member. Treatment may include learning more about your medicines and …
Health topics
… you are pregnant. Go to all of your prenatal checkups. Get treatment for all infections. Call your doctor or midwife if … strength-conditioning exercise. Swimming, walking, and arm exercises are the safest activities. Don't exercise if … strength-conditioning exercise. Swimming, walking, and arm exercises are the safest activities. Don't exercise if …
Health topics
… and test results, you and your doctor can make a plan for treatment. You may need a change in your medicines. If you … and test results, you and your doctor can make a plan for treatment. You may need a change in your medicines. If you …