5433 results found
Medical tests
… To find the first day that you are likely to be fertile, take away (subtract) 18 from the number of days in your shortest menstrual cycle. Your first fertile day should be that many days after your menstrual bleeding … days in your longest menstrual cycle. Your last fertile day should be that many days after your menstrual bleeding …
Medical tests
… doctor ALL the medicines and natural health products you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your test. Your doctor will tell you if you should stop taking any of them before the test and how soon … problems during your test. Your doctor will tell you if you should stop taking any of them before the test and how soon …
Medical tests
… to. How It Is Done A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. How It Feels When … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The …
Health topics
… contractions move food through the esophagus but can cause severe pain. Esophageal spasm is not common. Often, symptoms … feel similar to a heart attack. If you have chest pain, you should be evaluated by a doctor as soon as possible to rule … feel similar to a heart attack. If you have chest pain, you should be evaluated by a doctor as soon as possible to rule …
… This medication is for use in the eye or ear only. Do not take by mouth. Wash your hands first before using this … moistening it with the prescribed number of drops. The wick should be replaced at least once a day. Do not rinse the … itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat) severe dizziness trouble breathing This is not a complete …
Health topics
… is born and can keep using one well into early childhood. Take some general precautions to avoid injuring your child. … stroller with brakes that are easy to use. The stroller should also have a wide base so it won't easily tip over. … shopping bags, from the stroller handles. Carrying baskets should be placed low, near the rear wheels. Make sure that …
Health topics
… harm to themself or others. It can range from mild to severe. The more signs of it you have, the more severe it … when you stop using opioids or use less (withdrawal). You take opioids to avoid or relieve withdrawal symptoms. Even if you take opioids as part of a supervised care plan, you can …
Medical tests
… test that uses a special dye and camera ( fluoroscopy ) to take pictures of the blood flow in the blood vessels of the … 4 to 8 hours before the angiogram. You may be asked to not take aspirin, aspirin products, or blood thinners for … the iodine dye. The reaction can be mild (itching, rash) or severe (trouble breathing or sudden shock). Most reactions …
Health topics
… a person may sneeze, cough, or have a runny nose. With a severe reaction, a person may have shortness of breath from … reaction to latex exposure. Glove-use tests and skin tests should always be done by doctors who are experienced and … If you've had a previous serious reaction to latex, you should carry a shot of epinephrine . Be sure you know how to …
Health topics
… atrophy. Pain is the main symptom of CRPS. Most people have severe pain in an arm or a leg. Usually the pain is in a … you can about the condition. Your doctor (or doctors) should be able to help you with this. The more you know … you can about the condition. Your doctor (or doctors) should be able to help you with this. The more you know …