5435 results found
Health topics
… out who's sponsoring the site. If there is a sponsor, it should be listed in the "about" section on the website. … the info is based on scientific or medical journals. These should be cited or referenced. Review blogs and opinion … health information is just one resource. It shouldn't take the place of professional help if that's what you need. …
Health topics
… parents of a thumb-sucking infant question whether they should substitute a pacifier for the thumb. So far, research … when your child is allowed to use it and being able to take the pacifier away when it is no longer appropriate. But … using a pacifier. Talk to your doctor about how long you should wait before you introduce a pacifier to a …
Health topics
… of nail damage or fungal nail infections. The doctor may take a sample of skin and nail fragments from under the … be needed. How is a fungal nail infection treated? It may take time to treat a nail infection. You may need to try … nail. Antifungal pills give the best chance of curing a severe nail infection. But they may cost a lot. And they can …
Health topics
… If your kneecap is completely dislocated, you may have severe pain and swelling. Your knee may look like a bone is … the longer you have had this problem, the longer it will take to get better. Surgery usually isn't needed. How can … tracking disorder? Home care may help to reduce your pain. Take a break from activities that cause knee pain, like …
Health topics
… effects. Many side effects will go away after your child takes the medicine for a few weeks. If they don't go away, … And store them at room temperature. If your child takes a midday dose, let your child's teacher know. The … working. Some medicines start working quickly. Others may take several weeks. Ask the doctor when you might notice any …
Health topics
… a stent in the artery to keep it open. The procedure may take 30 to 90 minutes. But you need time to get ready for it and time to recover. It can take several hours total. You may go home the same day. Or … done for stable angina if you: footnote 2 Have frequent or severe angina that is not responding to medicine and …
Health topics
… to their local health unit. The risk of developing a severe allergic reaction to henna increases after an episode … to henna in a temporary tattoo. Your first henna tattoo should be in a place where you can cover it if it lasts … to henna in a temporary tattoo. Your first henna tattoo should be in a place where you can cover it if it lasts …
Health topics
… Varicose Veins Varicose Veins: Should I Have a Surgical Procedure? Citations … Varicose Veins Varicose Veins: Should I Have a Surgical Procedure? Citations …
Health topics
… and your work and home environments. The doctor will take a sample of your infected wound or a sample of blood, … The sample is tested for staph bacteria. This test may take several days. In some cases, imaging is done to look … How is a staph infection treated? The doctor will take a sample of your infected wound or a blood or urine …
Health topics
… insulin that is packaged in small glass bottles (vials) should be stored in the refrigerator. Liquid insulin that is … with you if you keep them in a dark place. The bottles should not be exposed to temperatures below 2°C (36°F) or … insulin that is packaged in small glass bottles (vials) should be stored in the refrigerator. Liquid insulin that is …