5435 results found
Health topics
… needs vitamin D to absorb calcium, but you do not have to take calcium and vitamin D at the same time. For the best … from all sources—including food, sunshine, and supplements—should not be more than the amount shown by age in the table … intake does not mean that most people need this amount or should try to get it. It means this is the maximum amount of …
Health topics
… glaucoma usually happen suddenly and can include severe pain and redness in the eye. In childhood glaucoma , … Support groups can also help you deal with vision loss. Take your medicines as directed. Make sure to go to all of … Tools Health Tools help you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Actionsets are designed …
Health topics
… diabetes is under control. A diabetes care plan for school should include medical information as well as other … pen, or have an insulin pump. Other medicine. If your child takes other medicine for diabetes, include instructions on … Include information about when your child's blood sugar should be checked before activity and the desired target …
Health topics
… or stand up. Always use your strong or uninjured leg to take the first step when you go up stairs or a curb (see … with the cane tip on the ground, the handle of the cane should be next to the top of your leg. Your elbow should be slightly bent. A cane can help if you have minor …
Health topics
… activity goal log Last updated November 1, 2016 It can take time to reach your physical activity goals. Using an … that lasts at least 10 minutes, or the number of steps you take. Record notes on how the activity felt, what you … (an instrument that counts the number of steps you take). General recommendations are to take 10,000 steps per …
Health topics
… Persons with certain cardiovascular conditions should also be counselled to NOT participate in unsupervised … demand for clients taking these medications. Clients should be counselled to track their blood pressure if this is a concern. Exercise or physical activity should be stopped when systolic or diastolic pressures reach …
… the first dose of naloxone. Treatment of opioid overdose should also include breathing treatment (such as oxygen … and herbal products). During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly needed. It may cause opioid … precautions, drug interactions or adverse effects nor should it be construed to indicate that use of a particular …
Health topics
… a week. Ideas for fitting activity into your day at home: Take a few walks or bike rides during the day. Use a free smartphone app or online exercise video. Take a dance break. Push the lawn mower, rake leaves, or … several blocks away, or get off the bus a few stops early. Take the stairs. Use the stairs instead of the elevator, at …
Health topics
… is the most common bleeding problem in people who have severe hemophilia. Bleeding usually occurs in one joint at a … you or your child. Keep the following in mind before you take part in a sport or activity: Know how to give clotting … for pain relief in people who have hemophilia. Don't take aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin), Aleve, or other …
Health topics
… do not correct astigmatism as well as hard lenses do. They take less time to get used to than hard lenses, but they are … lenses can be worn day and night. After several days, you take them out, clean them, and wear them again. But some … do not correct astigmatism as well as hard lenses do. They take less time to get used to than hard lenses, but they are …