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Health topics
HealthLinkBC files
… diarrhea, fever, nausea and vomiting. Dehydration may be severe, especially among at risk groups like the elderly, … microwave. These methods can thaw food at uneven rates, so take extra care to ensure the whole product is thoroughly … care provider may prescribe antibiotics if you have a severe case of salmonellosis, another chronic illness or a …
Health topics
… on to your baby. But if you aren't immune, you'll want to take special care while you're pregnant. Avoid anything that … you'll need to have your baby tested. Your doctor can take some fluid from the sac that surrounds your baby and … people whose bodies can't fight infection well will need to take medicine to treat the infection and prevent serious …
Health topics
… need to describe what happens during an attack. If you can take a photo of the affected area during an attack, the … flow. If your doctor prescribes medicine to help Raynaud's, take it exactly as prescribed. Call your doctor or nurse … worse. Talk with your doctor about all of the medicines you take, even over-the-counter medicines, to make sure they …
Health topics
… somewhat vague or subtle. So this disease is sometimes mistaken for another condition. Early symptoms include: … If you get phlebotomy treatment, ask your doctor if you should change the foods you eat. If you need to lower the … If you get phlebotomy treatment, ask your doctor if you should change the foods you eat. If you need to lower the …
HealthLinkBC files
… these as a cream inserted into the vagina or as pills taken by mouth. Only medications taken by mouth are used to treat pregnant women. It is not … piercings. Store condoms at room temperature. A new condom should be used every time you have sex. Use only water-based …
HealthLinkBC files
… to help prevent and treat diarrhea Have a dental check-up Take an extra pair of glasses or contact lenses and a … to move your head as little as possible. You may want to take an anti-nausea medication for the symptoms Wear loose … but they can reduce the risk Women who only use diaphragms should male partners to use condoms as well. Avoid engaging …
Health topics
… Tools Health Tools help you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Actionsets are designed … Down syndrome forms when cells don't divide like they should. This cell division error might happen in the sperm … Down syndrome shows signs of: Intestinal blockage, such as severe belly pain, vomiting, and possibly swelling of the …
Health topics
… in one pill. This reduces the number of pills to be taken each day. Experts recommend using one of the following … in one pill. This reduces the number of pills to be taken each day. Experts recommend using one of the following …
Health topics
… to do his exercises every morning before breakfast and to take a half-hour walk every evening. But on the days he just … to do his exercises every morning before breakfast and to take a half-hour walk every evening. But on the days he just …