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5435 results found
Health topics
… strenuous activities). Other women find it necessary to take it easy during the first weeks of pregnancy but can … strenuous activity, and exercise only in moderation. You should be able to talk while you are working out. Do not … strenuous activity, and exercise only in moderation. You should be able to talk while you are working out. Do not …
Medical tests
… A series of recordings is done. Baseline recordings are taken with your head at rest. More recordings are done: … follow a moving point of light with only your eyes. You should not move your head during this part of the test. … follow a moving point of light with only your eyes. You should not move your head during this part of the test. …
Health topics
… a few minutes to a few hours after a bite and may include: Severe, immediate pain with rapid swelling. Bruising of the … amount of venom was injected, you are more likely to have severe pain, swelling of the whole limb, and general ill … . This is rare. Large amounts of venom usually cause severe pain and severe swelling. You may have trouble …
Medical tests
… if your results will stay safe and private. Your results should only be released to those who are authorized to … now (such as breast cancer or Huntington's disease), it shouldn't affect your future ability to get hired for a job … problem. Changing your lifestyle or what medicines you take. Genetics Current as of: …
Health topics
… for hepatitis A. You get better on your own. You can take steps to help yourself feel better: Reduce your … live with or have sex with that you have the disease. They should see their doctor. Wash your hands with soap and … live with or have sex with that you have the disease. They should see their doctor. Wash your hands with soap and …
Medical tests
… such as blood pressure medicines, before the test. Do not take cold or allergy remedies, aspirin, or diet pills for 2 … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The …
Health topics
… training to improve communication. The specific program should be chosen according to the child's needs. … functional abilities, behaviour, and daily environment should be thoroughly assessed before behavioural training … members, teachers, and caregivers of the autistic child should all be trained in these techniques. Many treatment …
Health topics
… in children. All children with speech and language delays should have their hearing tested. Certain disorders, such as … talk with your doctor. All children with a speech delay should have their hearing tested. Keep in mind that many … child learn to listen and to express themself. Normal mistakes Most children make "mistakes" when they first learn to …
Health topics
… a greater challenge when you want one. The treadmill should have handrails (located in front) to help you keep … your balance or to steady yourself now and then. But you should not hold onto them during exercise. It's better to … as having a bike with a good overall design. The bike should pedal smoothly and have a comfortable seat. You …
Health topics
… suddenly. Your child may: Act fussy. Vomit often. Have severe belly pain and cramping that last from 1 to 5 … for problems such as stomach upset, diarrhea, and fever. Take care of your child's incision. It may need to be … for problems such as stomach upset, diarrhea, and fever. Take care of your child's incision. It may need to be …