5436 results found
Health topics
… when one eye is weaker than the other. The brain chooses to take in images only from the stronger eye. If the weak eye … time with your child just after the patch is put on. It takes a short time—about 10 or 15 minutes—for the brain to … will enjoy the time you spend together, and this will help take their mind off the patch. Try to find games and …
Health topics
… Or you may use the ring continuously. This means you don't take the ring out for a week each month. With this method, … Leave the ring in place for 3 weeks. Remove the ring to take a 1-week break to have a menstrual period. Remove the … Or you may use the ring continuously. This means you don't take the ring out for a week each month. With this method, …
Health topics
… doctor about any health problems you have or medicines you take. Your doctor can help you choose the birth control … hormones. So you can use the diaphragm if you don't want to take hormones or can't take hormones because you have certain health problems or …
Health topics
Health topics
… Treating Low Blood Sugar Actionset Overview If your child takes insulin or certain diabetes pills that lower blood … too low at times. Low blood sugar may happen if your child: Takes too much insulin or other diabetes medicine. Skips or … physically active than usual without eating enough food. Takes a medicine that can lower blood sugar as a side …
Health topics
… you get a headache and how bad it is. What medicine you take when you get a headache, and how well it works. Over … headache after you drink wine or eat a certain food. It may take only a few months before you can find your headache triggers. When you find your triggers, you can take steps to avoid them. Keep to a daily routine Doing the …
Health topics
… best for you. Things you can do Here are some steps you can take that may help prevent cancer. Quit smoking. When you … asbestos, benzene, radon, and polluted drinking water. Take care when you use cleaning products, paints, solvents, … best for you. Things you can do Here are some steps you can take that may help prevent cancer. Quit smoking. When you …
Health topics
… "I'm too out of shape." "I'm too fat." Join a group or take a class with others who look or feel like you do. … and outdoor activities. When it's cold, hot, or humid, take precautions. "I don't have the money." Being physically … "I'm too out of shape." "I'm too fat." Join a group or take a class with others who look or feel like you do. …
Health topics
… Try guided imagery. This means using your imagination to take you to a calm, peaceful place. Imagining yourself in a … and brainstorm solutions. Ask friends for suggestions. Take good care of yourself. Do things that you enjoy. See a … Try guided imagery. This means using your imagination to take you to a calm, peaceful place. Imagining yourself in a …
Medical tests
… and structures inside the chest. Usually two pictures are taken, one from the back of the chest and another from the … bones (fractures) are seen in the rib cage, collarbone, shoulder, or spine. Enlarged lymph nodes are seen. A foreign … bones (fractures) are seen in the rib cage, collarbone, shoulder, or spine. Enlarged lymph nodes are seen. A foreign …