633 results found
Health topics
… ankles, knees, or shoulders. A ganglion can grow out of a joint capsule, which surrounds the joint , or a tendon sheath, which covers the tendon (the … to: Inflammation or irritation of the tendon sheath or joint capsule. An injury. Overuse or repetitive motions, …
Health topics
… of a testicle . A broken hip (fracture), an infected hip joint, or a stress fracture of the hip. Arthritis . … This condition is caused by abnormal development of the hip joint. The femur may fit loosely into the hip socket … hip socket. Swelling (inflammation) of the lining of the joint space of the hip ( toxic synovitis ). Juvenile …
Health topics
… tendon is located, or they may be spread out from the joint area. Crepitus, or a crunchy sound or feeling when the … night or when you get up in the morning. Stiffness in the joint near the affected area. Movement or mild exercise of the joint usually reduces the stiffness. A tendon injury …
Health topics
… Spinal manipulation is a treatment that uses pressure on a joint of the spine to improve pain and function. It is also … a special device. The careful, controlled force used on the joint can range from gentle to strong and from slow to rapid. Sometimes other joints of the body are also worked on to help treat the …
Health topics
… the tightness. What To Expect After orthopedic surgery: Joints that used to be stiff can move more easily. But the … may be considered when a child with CP has: A bone or joint deformity that causes pain or interferes with function and is getting worse over time. Permanent stiff joints ( contracture ). Dislocated or irregularly …
Health topics
… the bone dies and collapses. If the bone affected is near a joint, the joint may also collapse. Although any bone can be affected, … with treatments to limit further damage to the bone and joint and to help the bone grow. Treatments may include …
Health topics
… pain in the foot or toe that is caused by a deformity or joint problem. Preventing a foot or toe problem from getting worse. Preventing a toe joint problem from returning after corrective surgery. … increase pressure on the front of the foot and on the toe joints. If you cannot avoid wearing pumps or high-heeled …
Health topics
… , or tendons , or you have broken bones within the knee joint. You are willing to complete a long rehab program. If … deficiency, the surgeon may not be able to fix all of your joint damage. You may still have pain and swelling. It's … to have surgery before your unstable knee causes other joint problems. If you are thinking about surgery for ACL …
Health topics
… stretching exercises each day to prevent stiffness in the joint. Use the correct techniques or positions during … about wearing an elbow sleeve, sling, or brace to rest a joint or to protect the joint area during an activity. These devices can be helpful. …
Health topics
… osteoarthritis , try applying heat and cold to the affected joints. Experiment with these heat and cold techniques until … effective for pain and stiffness related to inactivity of a joint. If you are using an electric heating pad, avoid … medium, never on high. Try putting cold packs on a painful joint for 10 to 20 minutes. Do not apply a cold pack …