5783 results found
Health topics
… page: What is gambling disorder? Gambling disorder is a strong … type of addiction. It may also be called problem gambling. What are the symptoms? There are many possible symptoms of … to run in families. Other things that increase your risk include: Having other mental health conditions, such as …
Health topics
… page: What is sciatica? Sciatica is pain, tingling, or numbness … extend down the back of the leg to the ankle and foot. What causes it? The most common cause of sciatica is a … of other conditions that affect the spine. These can include the narrowing of the spinal canal ( spinal stenosis …
Health topics
… page: What is an aortic dissection? Aortic dissection occurs when … tear. Aortic dissection is a life-threatening condition. What causes it? Aortic dissection can be caused by … diseases increase the risk of an aortic dissection. These include lupus , polycystic kidney disease , Cushing's …
Health topics
… risk of asthma attacks . The following statements summarize what you should know about asthma. If you do not know, or … the better you will be able to follow your management plan and lead a full life. Statement Yes, I do No, I don't … call for emergency help. I know how to use my asthma action plan. I do what I enjoy doing, despite my asthma. I know …
Health topics
… certificate Enrolling your baby in the Medical Services Plan for BC Residents Applying for Canada Child Benefits … can choose any name you like for your baby, as long as it includes a first name (given name) and a last name … completed form - and you're done. Your baby's very own B.C. CareCard will be sent to you six to eight weeks after the …
Health features
… they have a severe allergic reaction. Symptoms generally include 2 or more of the following body systems: Skin: … an allergen for many people. Whether you or someone in your care has a food allergy, making food choices can be … B.C. Government The B.C. Government provides safety planning resources for severe allergic reactions in schools. …
Health topics
… Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor … and who has a good reputation in your community. FAQs What are the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and an ACL … Risks and problems that can occur during rehab and recovery include: Loss of motion in the knee joint. Grating (or …
Health topics
… page: What is black lung disease? Black lung disease is a common … was in the air, and how long you have been exposed to it. What causes it? The inhalation and accumulation of coal dust … symptoms of progressive massive fibrosis (PMF). These may include a cough, sputum (mucus), and shortness of breath. …
Health topics
… Transfusion Artificial Blood What is a blood transfusion? Blood transfusion is a medical … very safe and generally free from disease. Donated blood is carefully tested and tracked. It is very rare to get a … even if you get the correct blood type. Signs of a reaction include: A fever. Hives. Shortness of breath. Pain. A fast …
Health topics
… in becoming more active. Don't be afraid to let them know what you're trying to do—and ask for their help. If you're … learn about the steps to follow in setting up an exercise plan. Set your goals. Pick an activity, and prepare for it. … and make you breathe harder—including daily chores—can be included. Vigorous activity means things like jogging, …