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Health topics
… prepare them for the challenges they will face throughout life. Everyone is born with some aspects of resilience, but … to meet the inevitable obstacles and inequities of life.” He believes parents can prepare children for … It is formed by how you interpret input from people in your life and the world around you in four ways: 1. From your own …
Health topics
… flow back up (reflux) into the esophagus. How can you care for yourself when you have it? Take your medicines … flow back up (reflux) into the esophagus. How can you care for yourself when you have it? Take your medicines …
Health topics
… on the low-FODMAP diet, there's a long list of foods you should try not to eat. It includes some fruits (apples, … on the low-FODMAP diet, there's a long list of foods you should try not to eat. It includes some fruits (apples, …
Health topics
… breast lump in an adult male is thought to be abnormal and should be checked out by a doctor. How is it diagnosed? Most … breast lump in an adult male is thought to be abnormal and should be checked out by a doctor. How is it diagnosed? Most …
Health topics
… will ask about your medical history. This helps your care provider plan the best possible care for your pregnancy and childbirth. Things you'll be … will ask about your medical history. This helps your care provider plan the best possible care for your pregnancy …
Health topics
… doing things that you would expect from a child that age. Should you see a doctor about your child's temper tantrums? … doing things that you would expect from a child that age. Should you see a doctor about your child's temper tantrums? …
… and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care professional for complete information about this … you when you can get up and walk around. This medication should only be used in a hospital setting with trained …
Health topics
… about how the SCI has affected your sexual function and sex life. And talk about how you feel about it. Be open, honest, … Make time outside of the bedroom to talk about your sex life together. If you withdraw sexually because of body … about how the SCI has affected your sexual function and sex life. And talk about how you feel about it. Be open, honest, …
Health topics
… further surgery is not needed. A serious infection can be life-threatening. In these cases, an amputation may save your life. If you are faced with needing an amputation, talk with … further surgery is not needed. A serious infection can be life-threatening. In these cases, an amputation may save …
Health topics
… on the thickness of the bones ( bone density ) in early life, as well as health, diet, and physical activity later in life. Things that increase your risk for osteoporosis … such as having your ovaries removed before menopause. Lifestyle factors that increase your risk include: Drinking …