4251 results found
… This may occur both during treatment or months to years after treatment is completed. The risk of heart problems is … gain. Daunorubicin may cause certain severe blood and bone marrow disorders (low red blood cells/white blood … is a common side effect. Normal hair growth should return after treatment has ended. Remember that this medication has …
Health topics
… Being female. Exposure to high levels of radiation, such as after a nuclear power incident. A history of radiation … Almost all thyroid cancers are treated with surgery. After surgery, you may need to take thyroid hormone medicine … A cough that continues and is not related to a cold Bone pain Examinations and Tests To diagnose thyroid cancer, …
Health topics
… to find out what happened just before, during, and right after a seizure. Your doctor will examine you. You'll have … part of the brain. Some types of childhood epilepsy go away after the child reaches the teen years. Other types may … occurs. For example, there is a risk of head injury, broken bones, and other injuries when you fall during a seizure. …
Health topics
… spread through the bloodstream to the skin, liver, lungs, bone, and brain. When melanoma is found early, it can often be cured by surgery to remove it. But after melanoma spreads, it is harder to cure. Learn more … lymph nodes may be removed and checked for cancer cells. After surgery, you may have only regular checkups. Or you …
Health topics
… (TM) joint. If you have a disabling structural problem, bone surgery that creates more space within the TM joint may … you may or may not stay in the hospital for a day or two. After surgery, you may start physiotherapy within 48 hours. … guarantee a cure. Surgery could make your TMD worse. After surgery, you may not be able to open your mouth as …
Medical tests
… the last 7 days. Recent tests such as a thyroid scan or bone scan that used a radioactive tracer can interfere with … the last 7 days. Recent tests such as a thyroid scan or bone scan that used a radioactive tracer can interfere with …
Health topics
… Chromium slows the loss of calcium, so it may help prevent bone loss in women during menopause. Risks The chromium … Chromium slows the loss of calcium, so it may help prevent bone loss in women during menopause. Risks The chromium …
Health topics
… by age-related changes that may affect the eardrum or the bones of the middle ear, which affects how well sound can … by age-related changes that may affect the eardrum or the bones of the middle ear, which affects how well sound can …
Health topics
… the hunger from the strict diet triggers them to binge eat. After binge eating, they feel out of control, ashamed, … and loss of tooth enamel . Any type of purging can lead to bone thinning ( osteoporosis ), kidney damage, heart … may have bulimia if he or she: Goes to the bathroom right after meals. Is secretive about eating, hides food, or will …
Health topics
… can lead to starvation and serious health problems, such as bone thinning ( osteoporosis ), kidney damage, and heart … anorexia, such as depression. Early treatment works best After anorexia starts, returning to normal eating is very … anorexia, such as depression. Early treatment works best After anorexia starts, returning to normal eating is very …