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4251 results found
Health topics
… pain or discomfort. Bloating. Feeling uncomfortably full after eating. Nausea. Loss of appetite. Heartburn. Burping … several small meals instead of two or three large meals. After you eat, wait 2 to 3 hours before you lie down. … coffee, colas, or energy drinks. If your symptoms are worse after you eat a certain food, you may want to stop eating it …
Health topics
… can occur before, during, or (rarely) up to 6 weeks after delivery (postpartum). Postpartum seizures are most common during the first 48 hours after delivery. If you have eclampsia, your doctor will give … control. An entire seizure lasts 1 to 2 minutes or longer. After the seizure, the woman will be unresponsive at first …
Health topics
… from it. But newborns may have the infection hours after delivery. Or it can develop during the first few weeks after birth. What causes it? Group B strep bacteria normally … and others do not. Newborns may develop the infection hours after birth or during the first week of life, or it may …
Health topics
… see if they need to be trimmed. It's easiest to trim nails after the person has had a shower or has washed their hands. … of the nails, especially at the corners. They may be sharp after the nail is cut straight. Apply nail polish, if the … can become thin and dry. So offer the person hand lotion after washing their hands. Avoiding infection When you're …
Health topics
… surgery such as lumpectomy. It may also be given after a mastectomy if there's cancer in the lymph nodes. If … short-term side effects will go away within a few weeks after you finish treatment. But it may take longer to get … energy back. Some side effects may occur months or years after radiation therapy. These long-term side effects may …
Health topics
… "Hot tub folliculitis" most often appears about 72 hours after you've been in a hot tub or spa. Many small pimples … or shower daily with a mild soap. Also, bathe or shower after you exercise and after you work around chemicals. Avoid sharing towels, face …
Medical tests
… before this test and do not put them back in for 1 hour after the test or until the medicine used to numb your eye … may suggest that you arrange for someone to drive you home after the test. How It Is Done Gonioscopy is usually done by … were dilated, your vision may be blurred for several hours after the test. You should not rub your eyes for 20 minutes …
Health topics
… now considered normal. Breast lumpiness usually goes away after menopause but may be found in women who are taking hormone therapy after menopause. Following are other types of breast lumps … the lump may be red or look bruised. Fat necrosis may occur after a bruise or other injury to the chest or breast and …
HealthLinkBC files
… also allow your baby’s immune system to make memory cells. After vaccines are given, memory cells will protect against harmful germs for a long time. For example, after your child gets the measles, mumps and rubella … memory cells to protect them against these diseases long after their immunization. Can my baby get more than one …
Health topics
… months or years. You may feel sad or scared months or years after the assault. After MST you may: Avoid places or things that remind you of … have panic attacks . Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a sexual assault is common. How can you get support …