4251 results found
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… These problems may be present at birth or may develop soon after. Not urinating often enough, not emptying the bladder … treatment. Infants and young children often get another UTI after their first UTI. If an infection comes back (recurs), … doctor if your child isn't feeling better within 48 hours after starting an antibiotic . Watchful waiting Watchful …
Health topics
… other parts. Most of the time, the disease is found soon after birth. It is most common in male babies. And it can be … often done within the first days or month of life, soon after the disease is found. During surgery, the doctor will … (chronic) problems with stomach aches and bowel problems after surgery. But most of the time, these problems aren't …
Health topics
… with blood or body fluids. The chances of becoming infected after being stuck or cut with an instrument that is … treatment, your treatment should start as soon as possible after exposure and no later than 72 hours after exposure. Protect yourself from accidental exposure by …
Health topics
… it works: Your baby must be 6 months of age or younger. After your baby is 6 months old, you are much more likely to … that you also use another method of birth control. After 6 months, even if you breastfeed only and your period … best to use progestin-only options in the first few weeks after giving birth. The shot, such as Depo-Provera. The …
HealthLinkBC files
… infection, or roseola. Rarely, children who develop a fever after immunization have a febrile seizure. This is not a … child’s mouth, but do not put anything between their teeth After the seizure stops, keep your child on their side Allow your child to sleep after the seizure and wake them up gradually Call 9-1-1 if …
Health topics
… through the wall of muscle that's holding it in. It happens after surgery in the belly, in the area of the incision. It can happen months or even years after surgery. This type of hernia can occur in people who: … a weak part of the belly wall. It happens between the breastbone and the belly button, or navel. Epigastric hernias …
Health topics
… When people faint, or pass out, they usually fall down. After they are lying down, most people will recover quickly. … Fainting is caused by a drop in blood flow to the brain. After you lose consciousness and fall or lie down, more … beforehand, such as feeling weak, nauseated, hot, or dizzy. After they wake up, they may feel confused, dizzy, or ill …
Health topics
… to see whether any plaque is left on your child's teeth after brushing. Disclosing tablets are chewable and will colour any plaque left on the teeth after the child brushes. You can buy these at most drugstores. What you and your dentist can do After your child's permanent teeth begin to appear, talk …
Health topics
… to travel to a dialysis centre for your treatment. Instead, after being trained at a dialysis centre, you will do your … the peritoneal membrane into the dialysis fluid. Drain: After a few hours, the dialysis fluid is drained and … Done Peritoneal dialysis replaces the work of the kidneys after complications of kidney failure develop. How Well It …
Health topics
… to others from 4 days before the rash starts until 4 days after the rash appeared. The virus is most often spread when … get it. It usually takes about 7 to 14 days to get symptoms after you have been around someone who has measles. This is … explain your symptoms before you go to a doctor's office. After you've had an examination, your doctor may order a …