4335 results found
… nose may feel wet inside and you may notice a slight taste after using the spray. This is normal. If there is no … or if your headache comes back, you may use another dose after at least 1 or at least 2 hours (depending on your … of the nose or throat may occur after using the spray. Flushing, feelings of …
… pain, heart attack, irregular heartbeat) heart problems after taking stimulant drugs such as amphetamines (including … birth control while using this medication and for 2 months after stopping treatment. If you become pregnant, talk to … control methods while using this medication and for 1 month after stopping this medication. Also tell your doctor if you …
… 10 seconds, or for as long as is comfortable. Close the cap after each use. Clean the outside of the mouthpiece with a … of inhalations used from each device. Discard the device after you have used the number of inhalations marked on the … use. Once removed from the pouch, throw away the inhaler after 13 months even if there is still medication left. Do …
… nose may feel wet inside and you may notice a slight taste after using the spray. This is normal. If there is no … comes back, you may use another dose at least two hours after the first dose. Do not use more than 10 milligrams in … and pets. Each spray device contains one dose; discard after using. Do not flush medications down the toilet or …
Health topics
… the symptoms? Allergy symptoms may start minutes or hours after you breathe in an allergen. Your symptoms can last for … Symptoms Allergy symptoms may start within minutes or hours after you breathe in an allergen. And the symptoms can last … you may sneeze over and over again. This often happens after you wake up in the morning. You may have a tickle in …
Health topics
… can work with a doctor and hospital to care for your baby after birth. Or you may want to have tests because you … your need to know about any problems, and what you might do after you have the test results. Your spiritual beliefs and … palate or certain heart problems—can be fixed with surgery after birth and sometimes even with surgery during …
Health topics
… such as transient or toxic synovitis . This often occurs after the child has had a cold or other upper respiratory … surgery or injury. These kinds of events can cause symptoms afterwards or make them more serious. Your health habits and … are used to treat a variety of conditions. Medicines taken after organ transplant. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy …
Health topics
… may have fertility problems if you couldn't get pregnant after trying for at least 1 year (or 6 months if you're over … main symptom of infertility is being unable to get pregnant after 6 to 12 months of trying, depending on your age. How … you: Want children but have been unable to become pregnant after 1 year of having sex without using birth control. Are …
Health topics
… or have weight-loss surgery if: You do not lose weight after you have tried healthy eating and more activity for 6 … eating and exercise habits, most people gain weight again after they stop taking the medicine. Surgery After surgery, you will need to make big, lifelong changes …
Health topics
… problem? Think about whether the symptoms started soon after you began using a new medicine or a higher dose of a … surgery or injury. These kinds of events can cause symptoms afterwards or make them more serious. Your health habits and … in rare cases the time frame can vary up to several hours after exposure. Do not ignore early symptoms. When a …