4337 results found
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… immunity protects both you and your unborn baby (fetus). After you have been immunized (vaccinated) against or … to the virus, keep using birth control for at least 4 weeks after the vaccination. footnote 1 Before or during … your doctor will recommend that you wait until after childbirth to have the vaccine . Instead, you must take …
Health topics
… Pelvic floor weakness. Age, being overweight, pregnancy, childbirth, and surgery are all things that can weaken … result in uterine prolapse . Doing daily Kegels during and after pregnancy may prevent or help treat prolapse. How to … result in uterine prolapse . Doing daily Kegels during and after pregnancy may prevent or help treat prolapse. How to …
Health topics
… where it will take place. It can also be helpful to take childbirth classes during your pregnancy. This will help you … Vaginal birth It is possible to have a vaginal birth after a caesarean. This type of birth is called a vagninal birth after caesarian orVBAC. This can be a safe choice for most …
Health topics
… regularly. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after you are active. This is very important when it's hot … help prevent urine control problems (incontinence) after childbirth. In addition to moderate exercise, the following … changes, include: Fatigue . Breast tenderness. Increased urination. Fullness or mild aching in your lower abdomen. …
Health topics
… weak or damaged. It's often linked to pregnancy and vaginal childbirth. During pregnancy and delivery, pelvic muscles … likely to happen as you get older. And it's more common after menopause. It also tends to run in families. Symptoms … But some people may have symptoms of urinary incontinence after surgery. Your doctor may do an examination to check if …
Health topics
… is a cut, or incision, made in the perineum during childbirth. The perineum is the tissue between the vagina … head comes out of the birth canal. The cut is stitched up after the birth. Why is an episiotomy done? There are times … expect as you recover from an episiotomy or perineal tear? After your baby is born, the doctor or midwife uses stitches …
HealthLinkBC files
… B would get only the hepatitis B vaccine at birth. After birth, the baby will receive 3 more doses of hepatitis … Babies immunized at birth need to have a blood test 4 weeks after their last dose of hepatitis B vaccine to make sure … infected blood and some body fluids - for example during childbirth. Hepatitis B is also spread by sharing items that …
Health topics
… 35 weeks of pregnancy, though it can also develop right after childbirth. What are the symptoms of HELLP syndrome? HELLP … will probably start to recover from HELLP within a few days after delivery. But in some cases, it can take longer. This …
Health topics
… A vaginal fistula starts with some kind of tissue damage. After days to years of tissue breakdown, a fistula opens up. A vaginal fistula sometimes happens after: Surgery of the back wall of the vagina, the perineum, … A deep tear in the perineum or an infected episiotomy after childbirth. In areas without health care, vaginal fistulas …
Health topics
… what you can expect - physically and emotionally - during childbirth and the early days of parenting. The classes, … led by a facilitator, a public health nurse or a trained childbirth educator. The topics covered typically include: … birth weight babies Physical activity during pregnancy and after birth Labour and delivery support, including …