876 results found
Health topics
… eye Burns to the eye may be caused by chemicals, fumes, hot air or steam, sunlight, tanning lamps, curling irons or hair dryers, or welding equipment. Bursts of flames or flash … eye. They may need medical treatment. In the case of a car air bag inflating, all three types of eye injuries can …
Health topics
… or milk intolerance . Overeating or swallowing too much air during feeding can cause belly cramps. These cramps can … anger or playing rough, such as throwing a child into the air, can injure the brain. Abusive head trauma needs to be … anger or playing rough, such as throwing a baby up into the air and catching them, can cause abusive head trauma . If …
HealthLinkBC files
… before wiping off with a clean paper towel or allowing to air dry Use B.C.'s FOODSAFE Chlorine Dilution Calculator …
HealthLinkBC files
… Oatmeal, large oats, prepared 175 mL or ¾ cup 3.2* Popcorn, air-popped 500 mL or 2 cups 2.5 Quinoa, amaranth or bulgur, …
HealthLinkBC files
… areas Sleep in places with screened windows and doors. Use air conditioning when available Sleep under a small-mesh …
HealthLinkBC files
… and ask others not to smoke in the house Breathe moist air from a hot shower or from a sink filled with hot water …
HealthLinkBC files
… or sneezes, the virus spreads through droplets in the air. You can become infected when you breathe in these …
HealthLinkBC files
… by diphtheria bacteria. The bacteria are spread through the air by people sneezing or coughing and by direct … also known as whooping cough, is a serious infection of the airways caused by pertussis bacteria. The bacteria are …
Health topics
… and crowds. If you have to be in a crowded area, such as an airport, wear a mask. This is important even if you're … with others, open windows and doors. Or use a fan to blow air away from people and out a window. Ask your doctor if … and crowds. If you have to be in a crowded area, such as an airport, wear a mask. This is important even if you're …
Health features
… other drugs or health products. This can increase impairment and the risk of other adverse effects. For more … used in public buildings and workplaces, near doorways or air intakes of public buildings, or on school property. For …