6362 results found
Health topics
… ringworm of the scalp or beard? Ringworm is an infection on your skin, hair, or nails. It's caused by a fungus . The … spreads easily from one person to another. If anyone in your family has the symptoms listed above, see your doctor. … If your child gets ringworm, ask the school nurse or local health department how long your child needs to stay out of …
Health topics
… prevent tetanus? You can prevent tetanus by getting all of your recommended immunizations (shots). There are three … need to get 3 tetanus shots in about a 1-year time span. (Your doctor will tell you which shots you will need.) After … punctures, bites, burns, or scrapes, please see your health care provider immediately for treatment. This is …
Health topics
… flow to the heart. But the procedure is very invasive to your body for two major reasons. It involves making a large cut in your chest to expose your heart and arteries. It requires … a good choice for you. The decision depends on your overall health, how bad your coronary artery disease is, how many …
Health topics
… muscle. People with chronic myofascial pain may have other health problems, such as tension headaches , depression , … How is it diagnosed? To diagnose myofascial pain syndrome, your doctor will ask if you have had a recent injury or do any repetitive activities. Your doctor will also ask where the pain is, how long you …
Health topics
… types of vaginitis and their causes are: Yeast infection. A healthy vagina normally contains a small number of yeast … the symptoms? Symptoms of vaginitis may include a change in your normal vaginal discharge (including grey, green, or … pain or bleeding when you have sex. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will check your vagina for redness and swelling …
Health topics
… is an inflammation of the hair follicles. Each hair on your body grows out of a tiny pouch called a follicle. You can have folliculitis on any part of your body that has hair. But it is most common on the beard … Your doctor will check your skin and ask about your health and activities. He or she may do tests to find out …
Medical tests
… (sodium). When a tumour that makes aldosterone is present, your aldosterone level will be high while a renin level will … A low-salt diet can also increase aldosterone levels. Tell your doctor if you are on a low-salt food plan. Do not eat … doctor will also look at your results based on your age, health, and other factors. A value that isn't in the normal …
Health topics
… to person. Having an impaired immune system may increase your chance of getting this rash. What are the symptoms? … pink, red, tan, brown, purple, or grey-black, depending on your skin colour. The patches often have fine scales and may … them. People with liver problems, heart problems, or other health problems may not be able to take the pills. Treatment …
Health topics
… fact that these machines let you control the intensity of your activity. They may tell you your heart rate, calories burned, or miles covered. Fitness … Get the opinion of a trainer or experienced person at a health club, YMCA, or other fitness setting about the …
Health topics
… has itching, and not all itching means you have lice. A health professional can check for lice and their eggs (called nits). But you can also check your child's scalp for lice and nits. To check for lice, use … can look like dandruff. But you can't pick them off with your fingernail or brush them away. Live lice are tan to …