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Health topics
… breech. Your doctor may also learn that your baby is breech when he or she checks your cervix . How is breech position … doctor if you can try certain positions at home that may help turn your baby. This is called postural management. … breech. Your doctor may also learn that your baby is breech when he or she checks your cervix . How is breech position …
Health topics
… and fails to notice new things around him or her. Squints when the light is not bright or scrunches up his or her face when trying to do a task. Rubs his or her eyes when the … eyes that look mismatched or crossed or that don't move together. Has pupils that are not the same size or that appear …
Health topics
… and joint stiffness. Many people benefit from plans to help them manage their symptoms. You and your doctor can … include medicine and other treatments. Early treatment can help you avoid disabling joint changes and chronic pain. You … Learn how to cope with your symptoms Find out what helps you feel better and what feels worse. Some people can …
Health topics
… your doctor to plan a rehabilitation (rehab) program that helps you regain as much strength and flexibility in your … and physiotherapist to design a program that will best help you reach your rehab goals. A coordinated program of … and home exercises can advance healing in your knee and help you return to desired activities. Building strength and …
Health topics
… yourself. Why It Is Done You can use music therapy to help your mental and physical health. It helps people … therapies, such as dance. Music therapy: May decrease forgetfulness (dementia) by: Improving your connection to … therapies, such as dance. Music therapy: May decrease forgetfulness (dementia) by: Improving your connection to …
Health topics
… health and different types of chronic conditions. Access helpful information on facilitating physical activity behaviour change in Helping You Make It Happen. The resources provided have been … conditions Image Stroke Image Spinal cord injury Image Helping you make it happen … For health care professionals …
Health topics
… exercises can make muscles around a joint stronger and help protect and reduce stress on your joints. For example, stronger thigh muscles can help reduce stress on your knees and hips. Examples of … machine or weight machines. Range-of-motion exercises. They help keep you flexible and can help prevent stiffness, …
Health topics
… well If you are wondering how to tell if your baby is getting enough breast milk, here are some things to look out … weight (you'll notice the baby's sleepers are starting to get tight!) The best way to produce lots of milk is to …
Health topics
… Use this form to record the times that you should test and when to call your health professional for blood sugar … the completed form in a convenient place to remind yourself when you should test your blood sugar. I need to test my … ___ Before dinner. ___ At bedtime. ___ Before exercise. ___ When I think I might have low blood sugar. ___ After …
Health topics
… or the flu. You can lower your risk of catching the flu by getting the flu vaccine every year. If you do catch a cold … (seasonal flu) Productive coughs Relieving a cough Whooping cough (Pertussis) … Cold and flu …