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Health topics
… but it does not change the texture of your skin. You will get medicine before surgery to make you sleep or feel … Face-lifts are done to make an older face look younger by getting rid of wrinkles, lifting sagging muscles, and … but it does not change the texture of your skin. You will get medicine before surgery to make you sleep or feel …
Health topics
… third trimesters of your pregnancy, you may notice times when your belly tightens and becomes firm to the touch and … They do not become more regular or stronger. Go away when you're active. (True labour pains may continue or … tend to last longer, become stronger, and occur closer together than Braxton Hicks contractions. If you are not sure …
Health topics
… your risk for hardening of your arteries (atherosclerosis). When blood vessels that supply the brain and heart are blocked, a stroke or heart attack may occur. When the large blood vessels in the legs are affected, … you have diabetic kidney disease , even in the early stages when your kidney is losing small amounts of protein. …
Health topics
… up from the lungs, especially while other symptoms are getting worse. Sinus, throat, or ear pain that is new or … up from the lungs, especially while other symptoms are getting worse. Sinus, throat, or ear pain that is new or …
Health topics
… visits will happen more often. So you'll have the chance to get to know your doctor or midwife well. It's common to see … visits will happen more often. So you'll have the chance to get to know your doctor or midwife well. It's common to see …
Health topics
… and throwing, continue to improve. Over time, they get better at more complex activities, such as dancing, … and throwing, continue to improve. Over time, they get better at more complex activities, such as dancing, …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Around this time, your baby is getting ready to do a very important thing that they will … was developed . … Overview Around this time, your baby is getting ready to do a very important thing that they will …
Health topics
… you find alternate ways of providing milk. Some babies can get extra milk through a tube while they breastfeed.  …
Health topics
… Last updated November 1, 2016 Being physically active can help you feel stronger and better able to do day-to-day activities. In addition, being active also helps you feel better mentally and emotionally, and can …
Health topics
… Diseases and Conditions We have compiled helpful tools and topics you can use to learn about diseases … centres provide information about specific health topic to help you make decisions, figure out what actions to take, …