6168 results found
Health topics
… A1c show the same thing in two different ways. They both help you learn more about your average blood sugar range … A1c show the same thing in two different ways. They both help you learn more about your average blood sugar range …
Health topics
… Child Abuse and Neglect Effective Parenting: Discipline Helping Your Child Build Inner Strength Current as … Child Abuse and Neglect Effective Parenting: Discipline Helping Your Child Build Inner Strength Current as …
Health topics
… that uses a nerve block , which numbs specific nerves, to help your doctor find the nerves that are causing your pain. … that uses a nerve block , which numbs specific nerves, to help your doctor find the nerves that are causing your pain. …
Health topics
… It may also be done to reduce the risk of tendon damage when inflammation of the tissue that lines the joints … a procedure in which the joints are permanently fused together. This procedure severely limits motion, but it … It may also be done to reduce the risk of tendon damage when inflammation of the tissue that lines the joints …
Health topics
… such as a crown , will cover the tooth and hold the tooth together. Bleeding is serious when it occurs inside a permanent tooth after the tooth has … the tooth and hold the tooth together. Bleeding is serious when it occurs inside a permanent tooth after the tooth has …
Health topics
… or crushed ice drinks. Do not smoke in the house or car when you are travelling with your child. Repeat the above … or crushed ice drinks. Do not smoke in the house or car when you are travelling with your child. Repeat the above …
Health topics
… serious problems include: A toxic reaction , which occurs when insect or spider venom acts like a poison in the body. … serious problems include: A toxic reaction , which occurs when insect or spider venom acts like a poison in the body. …
Health topics
… (receptive language delays) or problems putting words together to form meaning (expressive language delays). Some … Failure to respond normally, such as not responding when spoken to. This may include signs that the child does … Failure to respond normally, such as not responding when spoken to. This may include signs that the child does …
Health topics
… gels that may be used to hold the edges of a small cut together. Your doctor may apply a skin adhesive instead of … Animal and Human Bites Cuts Cuts: When Stitches Are Needed Puncture Wounds Current as … Animal and Human Bites Cuts Cuts: When Stitches Are Needed Puncture Wounds Current as …
Health topics
… light and dark, and shapes and patterns, from birth. When they're quiet and alert, babies can also focus on … age, your child's eyes should appear "straight" and work together. Babies and children with symptoms like "wandering …