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Health topics
… tends to run in families. Taking corticosteroids or certain other medicines. Drinking too much alcohol. Smoking. Not getting enough calcium and vitamin D. … without a prescription. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen and naproxen. You need a …
HealthLinkBC files
… time and increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. Another term for high blood pressure is hypertension. What … using ingredients that have little to no added sodium Use the Nutrition Facts table to help you choose foods lower … . Limit or avoid alcohol Drinking too much alcohol can raise your blood …
Health topics
… the heart muscle. It may be caused by an infection, certain drugs, or an immune system problem. Drinking too much alcohol, using certain illegal drugs such as cocaine, or taking certain medicines such as chemotherapy. Being exposed to toxic metals, such as lead or …
Health topics
… You may also want to ask about treatments you might try other than surgery. Talk to your surgeon about what kinds of … It's important to tell your doctor about any tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, or medicines you use. This includes over-the-counter …
Health topics
… to very high levels of environmental toxins, certain drugs, or high doses of radiation. This includes cancer chemotherapy or radiation. Past infection with a sexually … Avoid exposure to harmful chemicals. Avoid excessive alcohol use. Limit sex partners and use condoms to reduce …
Health topics
… in cigarettes is addicting. Your body craves it because it makes you feel good. So when you try to stop smoking, … questions. How can you get through it? Get counselling or other support Don't try to do it alone. Your doctor can help … a warm bath or a relaxing walk before bed. Avoid drinking alcohol late in the evening, because it can cause you to …
Health topics
… maximum resistance setting, so it would no longer be useful for you. Choose an activity you already enjoy doing … choose equipment that’s practical, enjoyable, and easy to use. Having the right equipment can help make a physical … it home, use it a few times or use it over a few weeks. Get other opinions Read about the equipment in magazines or …
Health topics
… a powerful stimulant. It's like amphetamine, which doctors use to treat sleep problems (narcolepsy), attention deficit … crystalline powder that can be dissolved easily in water or alcohol. It is called speed, meth, ice, crystal, glass, or … again, allowing the person to experience effects of the drug for up to 12 hours or more. When it is snorted or taken …
Health topics
… while you were pregnant, it may go away after delivery. But other symptoms, such as hemorrhoids , could still cause … lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, sexual history, and travel. Try Home Treatment You …
Health topics
… a high-risk partner (one who has multiple sex partners or other risk factors). Having unprotected anal sex or a … Having sex with a partner who injects or has ever injected drugs. Sex trade work. Reasons for high-risk behaviour … access to treatment or be able to afford treatment. May use alcohol and drugs and have sex. Drugs and alcohol impair …